Global Cyber Attack

The global cyber attack is actively affecting all Microsoft operating systems such as Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 8 and Windows Server 2003. This has caused computers immense damage and danger in the personal and professional lives of thousands of Americans all over the country. This attack not only infiltrated the lives of Americans but also damaged the privacy system of the National Government. Researchers express how this attack is via WannaCry ransomware presented on the Windows computers and is forcing Americans a ransom of $300 to remove this attack from their computers. Thus, this attack is directly affecting the welfare and well-being of several businesses, professional associations, as well as individuals. Reputable international news sources such as BBC World News and CNN state that this attack is possibly the doing from officials within North Korea and may be caused based upon the recent nuclear bomb threat to Russia. The hackers are remaining anonymous, but it appears that this is a widespread issue affecting thousands of computers and networks over several nations. This ransomware virus is aiming to keep users from accessing their files and data so that they can capitalize from the damage. The ransomware gathered over $50,000 from this attack and the numbers are continually increasing daily. North Korea's involvement with recent political affairs may have caused this outrageous issue for Americans and is constantly affecting consumers all over the world. North Korea threatened several countries to join forces for the attack on the America and also have been publicly conducting missile test to contribute towards the execution of this effort. Thus, North Korea is wasting no time in aiming to damage the reputable standing of the United States as the world's greatest superpower and most efficient military base.


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