The Handbook of North American Indians is a series of edited scholarly and reference volumes in Native American studies, published by the Smithsonian Institution beginning in 1978. Planning for the handbook series began in the late 1960s and work was initiated following a special congressional appropriation in fiscal year 1971.[1]
To date, 16 volumes have been published. Each volume addresses a subtopic of Americanist research and contains a number of articles or chapters by individual specialists in the field coordinated and edited by a volume editor. The overall series of 20 volumes is planned and coordinated by a general or series editor. Until the series was suspended, mainly due to lack of funds, the series editor was William C. Sturtevant, who died in 2007.[2]
This work documents information about all Indigenous peoples of the Americas north of Mexico, including cultural and physical aspects of the people, language family, history, and worldviews. This series is a reference work for historians, anthropologists, other scholars, and the general reader. The series utilized noted authorities for each topic. The set is illustrated, indexed, and has extensive bibliographies. Volumes may be purchased individually.
Bibliographic information
Handbook of North American Indians / William C. Sturtevant, General Editor. Washington, DC : Smithsonian Institution: For sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents., 1978–.
Volume 1: Introduction
Krupnik, Igor (2022), Introduction, Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, p. 931, ISBN 978-1-944466-53-4,
Introduction: A Gateway to the Handbook Series. Igor Krupnik. Pages 1–9.
Antecedents of the Smithsonian Handbook Project: 1800s–1965. Igor Krupnik. Pages 10–30.
Native American Histories in the Twenty-First Century
Writing American Indian Histories in the Twenty-First Century. Donald L. Fixico. Pages 31–43.
Codes of Ethics: Anthropology's Relations with American Indians. Joe Watkins. Pages 44–56.
Indigenous North Americans and Archaeology. George Nicholas, Dorothy Lippert, and Stephen Loring. Pages 57–74.
Cultural Heritage Laws and Their Impact. Eric Hollinger, Lauren Sieg, William Billeck, Jacquetta Swift, and Terry Snowball. Pages 75–89.
Emergence of Cultural Diversity: Long-Distance Interactions and Cultural Complexity in Native North America. J. Daniel Rodgers and William W. Fitzhugh. Pages 90–103.
Coastal Peoples and Maritime Adaptations: From First Settlement to Contact. Torben C. Rick and Todd J. Braje. Pages 104–118.
New Cultural Domains
Indigenous Peoples, Museums, and Anthropology. Aron L. Crowell. Pages 119–135.
"A New Dream Museum": 100 Years of the (National) Museum of the American Indian, 1916–2016. Ann McMullen. Pages 136-150.
Access to Native Collections in Museums and Archives: History, Context, and Future Directions. Hannah Turner and Candace Green. Pages 151–164.
Emergent Digital Networks: Museum Collections and Indigenous Knowledge in the Digital Era. Aaron Glass and Kate Hennessy. Pages 165–181.
3D Digital Replication: Emerging Cultural Domain for Native American Communities. Eric Hollinger. Pages 182-195.
Social Media: Extending the Boundaries of Indian Country. Loriene Roy, Marisa Elena Duarte, Christina M. Gonzalez, and Wendy Peters. Pages 196-210.
Digital Domains for Native American Languages. Gary Holton. Pages 211-229.
Native American Experiences in the Twenty-First Century
Food Sovereignty. Elizabeth Hoover. Pages 230-246.
Native American Communities and Climate Change. Margaret Hiza Redsteer, Igor Krupnik, and Julie K. Maldonado. Pages 247-264.
Native American Languages at the Threshold of the New Millennium. Marianne Mithun. Pages 265-277.
Immigrant Indigenous Communities: Indigenous Latino Populations in the United States. Gabriela Pérez Báez, Cynthia Vidaurri, and José Barreiro. Pages 278–292.
Contestation from Invisibility: Indigenous Peoples as a Permanent Part of the World Order. Duane Champagne. Pages 293–303.
Transitions in Native North American Research
Arctic. Peter Collings. Pages 304–319.
Subarctic: Accommodation and Resistance since 1970. Collin Scott, William E. Simeone, Robert Wishart, and Janelle Baker. Pages 320–337.
Northwest Coast: Ethnology since the Late 1980s. Sergei Kan and Michael Harkin. Pages 338–354.
California. Ira Jacknis, Carolyn Smith, Olivia Chilcote. Pages 355–371.
Greater Southwest: Introduction. Igor Krupnik. Page 373.
Southwest-1. Gwyneira Isaac, Klinton Burgio-Ericson, Chip Colwell, T.J. Ferguson, Jane Hill, Debra Martin, and Ofelia Zepeda. Pages 374–389.
Southwest-2: Non-Pueblo and Northern Mexico. Maurice Crandall, Moises Gonzales, Sergei Kan, Enrique R. Lamadrid, Kimberly Jenkins Marshall, and José Luis Moctezuma Zamarrón. Pages 390–410.
Great Basin. Catherine S. Fowler, David Rhode, Angus Quinlan, and Darla Garey-Sage. Pages 411–427.
Plateau: Trends in Ethnocultural Research from the 1990s. David W. Dinwoodie. Pages 428–444.
Plains: Research since 2000. Sebastian Felix Braun. Pages 445–460.
Southeast. Robbie Ethridge, Jessica Blanchard, and Mary Linn. Pages 461–479.
Northeast: Research since 1978. Kathleen J. Bragdon and Larry Nesper. Pages 480–498.
The Smithsonian Handbook Project, 1965–2008
Section Introduction. Igor Krupnik. Page 499.
The Beginnings, 1965–1971. Adrianna Link and Igor Krupnik. Pages 500–515.
William Curtis Sturtevant, General Editor. William L. Merrill. Pages 516–530.
Production of the Handbook, 1970–2008: An Insider's View. Joanna Cohan Scherer. Pages 531–548.
Organization and Operation: Perspectives from 1993. Christian Carstensen. Pages 549–560.
The Handbook: A Retrospective. Ira Jacknis, William L. Merril, and Joanna Cohan Scherer. Pages 561–581.
End Matter
Contributors. Pages 583–586.
Reviewers (December 22, 2020). Pages 587–588.
Tributes. Pages 589–593.
Appendix 1: Smithsonian Handbook Project Timeline, 1964–2014. Igor Krupnik, and Joanna Cohan Scherer with additions by Jan Danek and William L. Merrill. Pages 596–609.
Appendix 2: Handbook Series Production and Editorial Staff, 1969–2022. Pages 610–612.
Appendix 3: Conventions on Tribal and Ethnic Names in Volume 1. Igor Krupnick, with additions by Daniel G. Cole, Ives Goddard, Cesare Marino, Larry Nesper, and Joe Watkins. Pages 613–616.
Bibliography. Pages 617–867.
Index. Pages 869–931.
Volume 2: Indians in Contemporary Society
Bailey, Garrick A. (2008), Indians In Contemporary Society, Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, p. 577, ISBN 978-0-16-080388-8
Introduction. Garrick A. Bailey. Pages 1–9.
The Issues in the United States
Indians in the Military. Pamela Bennett and Thom Holm. Pages 10–18.
Termination and Relocation. Larry W. Burt. Pages 19–27.
The Fur Trade in the Colonial Northeast. William J. Eccles. Pages 324-334.
The Hudson's Bay Company and Native People. Arthur J. Ray. Pages 335-350.
Indian Trade in the Trans-Mississippi West to 1870. William R. Swagerty. Pages 351-374.
The Maritime Trade of the North Pacific Coast. James R. Gibson. Pages 375-390.
Economic Relations in the Southeast Until 1783. Daniel H. Usner, Jr. Pages 391-395.
Trade Goods. E.S. Lohse. Pages 396-403.
Indian Servitude in the Northeast. Yasuhide Kawashima. Pages 404-406.
Indian Servitude in the Southeast. Peter H. Wood. Pages 407-409.
Indian Servitude in the Southwest. Albert H Schroeder & Omer C. Stewart. Pages 410-413.
Indian Servitude in California. Robert F. Heizer. Pages 414-416.
Ecological Change and Indian-White Relations. William Cronon & Richard White. Pages 417-429.
Religious Relations
Protestant Churches and the Indians. R. Pierce Beaver. Pages 430-458.
Mormon Missions to the Indians. John A. Price. Pages 459-463.
Roman Catholic Missions in New France. Lucien Campeau. Pages 464-471.
Roman Catholic Missions in California and the Southwest. Sherburne F. Cook & Cesare R. Marino. Pages 472-480.
Roman Catholic Missions in the Southeast and the Northeast. Clifford M. Lewis. Pages 481-493.
Roman Catholic Missions in the Northwest. Robert I. Burns. Pages 494-500.
Roman Catholic Missions in the Arctic. Louis-Jacques Dorais & Bernard Saladin d'Anglure. Pages 501-505.
The Russian Orthodox Church in Alaska. Sergei Kan. Pages 506-521.
Conceptual Relations
White Conceptions of Indians. Robert F. Berkhofer, Jr. Pages 522-547.
Relations Between Indians and Anthropologists. Nancy O. Lurie. Pages 548-556.
The Indian Hobbyist Movement in North America. William K. Powers. Pages 557-561.
The Indian Hobbyist Movement in Europe. Colin F. Taylor. Pages 562-569.
Indians and the Counterculture, 1960s–1970s. Stewart Brand. Pages 570-572.
The Indian in Literature in English. Leslie A. Fiedler. Pages 573-581.
The Indian in Non-English Literature. Christian F. Feest. Pages 582-586.
The Indian in Popular American Culture. Rayna D. Green. Pages 587-606.
The Indian in the Movies. Michael T. Marsden and Jack G. Nachbar. Pages 607-616
Non-Indian Biographies
Brief biographical sketches of 294 individuals who were not Indians but had a significant impact on the history of Indian-White relations in North America. Pages 617-699.
Volume 5: Arctic
Damas, David (1984), Arctic, Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, p. 845, ISBN 978-0-16-004580-6
Introduction. David Damas. Pages 1–7.
History of Research Before 1945. Henry B. Collins. Pages 8–16.
History of Archeology After 1945. Elmer Harp, Jr. Pages 17–22.
History of Ethnology After 1945. Charles C. Hughes. Pages 23–26.
Physical Environment. John K. Stager & Robert J. McSkimming. Pages 27–35.
Basketry. Richard G. Conn & Mary Dodds Schlick. Pages 600-610.
Rock Art. Keo Boreson. Pages 611-619.
Fishing. Gordon W. Hewes. Pages 620-640.
Columbia River Trade Network. Theodore Stern. Pages 641-652.
Volume 13: Plains
DeMallie, Raymond J. (2001), Plains, Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, p. 1376, ISBN 978-0-87474-193-3
Volume 13 is physically bound in two volumes (Part 1 and Part 2), but page numbering is continuous between the two parts. Part 1 ends at "Plains Métis", page 676.
Introduction. Raymond J. DeMallie. Pages 1–13.
History of Archeological Research. Waldo R. Wedel & Richard A. Krause. Pages 14–22.
History of Ethnological and Ethnohistorical Research. Raymond J. DeMallie & John C. Ewers. Pages 23–43.
Environment and Subsistence. Waldo R. Wedel & Gorge C. Frison. Pages 44–60.
The Languages of the Plains: Introduction. Ives Goddard. Pages 61–70.
The Algonquian Languages of the Plains. Ives Goddard. Pages 71–79.
Caddoan Languages. Douglas R. Parks. Pages 80–93.
Siouan Languages. Douglas R. Parks & Robert L. Rankin. Pages 94–114.
Hunting and Gathering Tradition: Canadian Plains. Ian Dyck & Richard E. Morlan. Pages 115-130.
Hunting and Gathering Tradition: Northwestern and Central Plains. George C. Frison. Pages 131-145.
Hunting and Gathering Tradition: Southern Plains. Susan C. Vehik. Pages 146-158.
Plains Woodland Tradition. Alfred E. Johnson. Pages 159-172.
Plains Village Tradition: Central. Waldo R. Wedel. Pages 173-185.
Plains Village Tradition: Middle Missouri. W. Raymond Wood. Pages 186-195.
Plains Village Tradition: Coalescent. Richard A. Krause. Pages 196-206.
Plains Village Tradition: Southern. Robert E. Bell & Robert L. Brooks. Pages 207-221.
Plains Village Tradition: Eastern Periphery and Oneota Tradition. Dale R. Henning. Pages 222-233.
Plains Village Tradition: Western Periphery. James H. Gunnerson. Pages 234-244.
Plains Village Tradition: Postcontact. Donald J. Lehmer. Pages 245-255.
History of the United States Plains Until 1850. William R. Swagerty. Pages 256-279.
History of the United States Plains Since 1850. Loretta Fowler. Pages 280-299.
History of the Canadian Plains Until 1870. Jennifer S.H. Brown. Pages 300-312.
History of the Canadian Plains Since 1870. David McCrady. Pages 313-328.
Prairie Plains
Hidatsa. Frank Henderson Stewart. Pages 329-348.
Mandan. W. Raymond Wood & Lee Irwin. Pages 349-364.
Arikara. Douglas R. Parks. Pages 365-390.
Three Affiliated Tribes. Mary Jane Schneider. Pages 391-398.
Omaha. Margot P. Liberty, W. Raymond Wood, & Lee Irwin. Pages 399-415.
Ponca. Donald N. Brown & Lee Irwin. Pages 416-431.
Iowa. Mildred Mott Wedel. Pages 432-446.
Otoe and Missouria. Marjorie M. Schweitzer. Pages 447-461.
Kansa. Garric, A. Bailey & Gloria A. Young. Pages 462-475.
Osage. Garrick A. Bailey. Pages 476-496.
Quapaw. Gloria A. Young & Michael P. Hoffman. Pages 497-514.
Pawnee. Douglas R. Parks. Pages 515-547.
Wichita. William W. Newcomb, Jr. Pages 548-566.
Kitsai. Douglas R. Parks. Pages 567-571.
High Plains
Assiniboine. Raymond J. DeMallie & David Reed Miller. Pages 572-595.
Stoney. Ian A.L. Getty & Erik D. Gooding. Pages 596-603.
Early Indian-European Contacts. T.J. Brasser. Pages 78–88.
Seventeenth-Century Indian Wars. Wilcomb E. Washburn. Pages 89–100.
Beothuk. Barrie Reynolds. Pages 101-108.
Micmac. Philip K. Bock. Pages 109-122.
Maliseet-Passamaquoddy. Vincent O. Erikson. Pages 123-136.
Eastern Abenaki. Dean R. Snow. Pages 137-147.
Western Abenaki. Gordon M. Day. Pages 148-159.
Indians of Southern New England and Long Island: Early Period. Bert Salwen. Pages 160-176.
Indians of Southern New England and Long Island: Late Period. Laura E. Conkey, Ethel Boissevain, & Ives Goddard. Pages 177-189.
Narragansett. William S. Simmons. Pages 190-197.
Mahican. T.J. Brasser. Pages 198-212.
Delaware. Ives Goddard. Pages 213-239.
Nanticoke and Neighboring Tribes. Christian F. Feest. Pages 240-252.
Virginia Algonquians. Christian F. Feest. Pages 253-270.
North Carolina Algonquians. Christian F. Feest. Pages 271-281.
Iroquoian Tribes of the Virginia-North Carolina Coastal Plain. Douglas W. Boyce. Pages 282-289,
Marginal Groups. Brewton Berry. Pages 290-295.
Saint Lawrence Lowlands Region
Northern Iroquoian Culture Patterns. William N. Fenton. Pages 296-321.
Northern Iroquoian Prehistory. James A. Tuck. Pages 322-333.
Iroquoian Languages. Floyd G. Lounsbury. Pages 334-343.
Early Iroquoian Contacts with Europeans. Bruce G. Trigger. Pages 344-356.
Saint Lawrence Iroquoians. Bruce G. Trigger & James F. Pendergast. Pages 357-361.
Susquehannock. Francis Jennings. Pages 362-367.
Huron. Conrad E. Heidenreich. Pages 368-388.
Huron of Lorette. Christian Morissonneau. Pages 389-393.
Khionontateronon (Petun). Charles Garrad & Conrad E. Heidenreich. Pages 394-397.
Wyandot. Elisabeth Tooker. Pages 398-406.
Neutral and Wenro. Marian E. White. Pages 407-411.
Erie. Marian E. White. Pages 412-417.
The League of the Iroquois: Its History, Politics, and Ritual. Elisabeth Tooker. Pages 418-441.
Origins of the Longhouse Religion. Anthony F.C. Wallace. Pages 441-448.
Iroquois Since 1820. Elisabeth Tooker. Pages 449-465.
Mohawk. William N. Fenton & Elisabeth Tooker. Pages 466-480.
Oneida. Jack Campisi. Pages 481-490.
Onondaga. Harold Blau, Jack Campisi, & Elisabeth Tooker. Pages 491-499.
Cayuga. Marian E. White, William E. Engelbrecht, & Elisabeth Tooker. Pages 500-504.
Seneca. Thomas S. Abler & Elisabeth Tooker. Pages 505-517.
Tuscarora Among the Iroquois. David Landy. Pages 518-524.
Six Nations of the Grand River, Ontario. Sally M. Weaver. Pages 525-536.
Oklahoma Seneca-Cayuga. William C. Sturtevant. Pages 537-543.
Iroquois in the West. Jack A. Frisch. Pages 544-546.
Great Lakes-Riverine Region
Late Prehistory of the Ohio Valley. James B. Griffin. Pages 547-559.
Late Prehistory of the Illinois Area. Melvin L. Fowler & Robert L. Hall. Pages 560-568.
Late Prehistory of the Upper Great Lakes Area. David S. Brose. Pages 569-582.
Central Algonquian Languages. Ives Goddard. Pages 583-593.
History of the Ohio Valley. William A. Hunter. Pages 588-593.
History of the Illinois Area. J. Joseph Bauxar. Pages 594-601.
History of the Upper Great Lakes Area. Lyle M. Stone & Donald Chaput. Pages 602-609.
Great Lakes-Riverine Sociopolitical Organization. Charles Callender. Pages 610-621.
Shawnee. Charles Callender. Pages 622-635.
Fox. Charles Callender. Pages 636-647.
Sauk. Charles Callender. Pages 648-655.
Kickapoo. Charles Callender, Richard K. Pope, & Susan M. Pope. Pages 656-667.
Mascouten. Ives Goddard. Pages 668-672.
Illinois. Charles Callender. Pages 673-680.
Miami. Charles Callender. Pages 681-689.
Winnebago. Nancy Oestreich Lurie. Pages 690-707.
Menominee. Louise S. Spindler. Pages 708-724.
Potawatomi. James A. Clifton. Pages 725-742.
Southwestern Chippewa. Robert E. Ritzenthaler. Pages 743-759.
Southeastern Ojibwa. E.S. Rogers. Pages 760-771.
Ottawa. Johanna E. Feest & Christian F. Feest. Pages 772-786.
Nipissing. Gordon M. Day. Pages 787-791.
Algonquin. Gordon M. Day & Bruce G. Trigger. Pages 792-797.
Cultural Unity and Diversity. Bruce G. Trigger. Pages 798-804.
Volume 17: Languages
Goddard, Ives (1996), Languages, Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, p. 958, ISBN 978-0-87474-197-1
The map "Native Languages and Language Families of North America" compiled by Ives Goddard is included in a pocket in the inside cover along with a small photographic reproduction of John Wesley Powell's 1891 map, "Linguistic Stocks of American Indians North of Mexico". A wall size version of the former is available separately (ISBN 978-0-8032-9269-7).
Introduction. Ives Goddard. Pages 1–16.
The Description of the Native Languages of North America Before Boas. Ives Goddard. Pages 17–42.
The Description of the Native Languages of North America: Boas and After. Marianne Mithun. Pages 43–63.
Language and the Culture History of North America. Michael K. Foster. Pages 64–110.
Borrowing. Catherine A. Callaghan & Geoffrey Gamble. Pages 111-116.
Dynamics of Linguistic Contact. Michael Silverstein. Pages 117-136.
Overview of General Characteristics. Marianne Mithun. Pages 137-157.
Native Writing Systems. Willard B. Walker. Pages 158-184.
Place-Names. Patricia O. Afable & Madison S. Beeler. Pages 185-199.
Personal Names. David H. French & Kathrine S. French. Pages 200-221.
The Ethnography of Speaking. Wick R. Miller. Pages 222-243.
Discourse. M. Dale Kinkade & Anthony Mattina. Pages 244-274.
Nonspeech Communication Systems. Allan R. Taylor. Pages 275-289.
The Classification of the Native Languages of North America. Ives Goddard. Pages 290-324.
Grammatical Sketches
Sketch of Central Alaskan Yupik, an Eskimoan Language. Osahito Miyaoka. Pages 325-363.
Sketch of Hupa, an Athapaskan Language. Victor Golla. Pages 364-389.
Sketch of Cree, an Algonquian Language. H.C. Wolfart. Pages 390-439.
Sketch of Lakhota, A Siouan Language. David S. Rood & Allan R. Taylor. Pages 440-482.
Sketch of the Zuni Language. Stanley Newman. Pages 483-506.
Sketch of Eastern Pomo, a Pomoan Language. Sally McLendon. Pages 507-550.
Sketch of Seneca, an Iroquoian Language. Wallace L. Chafe. Pages 551-579.
Sketch of Wichita, a Caddoan Language. David S. Rood. Pages 580-608.
Sketch of Thompson, A Salishan Language. Laurence C. Thompson, M. Terry Thompson, & Steven M. Egesdal. Pages 609-643.
Sketch of Coahuilteco, a Language Isolate of Texas. Rudolph C. Troike. Pages 644-665.
Sketch of Sahaptin, a Sahaptian Language. Bruce Rigsby & Noel Rude. Pages 666-692.
Sketch of Shoshone, a Uto-Aztecan Language. Wick R. Miller. Pages 693-720.
Sources. Herbert J. Landar. Pages 721-761.
Planned but unpublished volumes
With the suspension of publication, the following volumes remain unpublished.