In mathematical analysis and analytic number theory, Lambert summation is a summability method for summing infinite series related to Lambert series specially relevant in analytic number theory.
Define the Lambert kernel by with . Note that is decreasing as a function of when . A sum is Lambert summable to if , written .
Abelian theorem: If a series is convergent to then it is Lambert summable to .
Tauberian theorem: Suppose that is Lambert summable to . Then it is Abel summable to . In particular, if is Lambert summable to and then converges to .
The Tauberian theorem was first proven by G. H. Hardy and John Edensor Littlewood but was not independent of number theory, in fact they used a number-theoretic estimate which is somewhat stronger than the prime number theorem itself. The unsatisfactory situation around the Lambert Tauberian theorem was resolved by Norbert Wiener.