List of vulnerable amphibians


In September 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed 670 vulnerable amphibian species.[1] Of all evaluated amphibian species, 10% are listed as vulnerable. No subpopulations of amphibians have been evaluated by the IUCN.

2 extinct in the wild amphibian species (0.03%)545 critically endangered amphibian species (8.4%)848 endangered amphibian species (13%)670 vulnerable amphibian species (10%)402 near threatened amphibian species (6.2%)2458 least concern amphibian species (38%)1567 data deficient amphibian species (24%)
Amphibian species (IUCN, 2016-2)
  • 6492 extant species have been evaluated
  • 4925 of those are fully assessed[a]
  • 2860 are not threatened at present[b]
  • 2063 to 3630 are threatened[c]
  • 35 to 148 are extinct or extinct in the wild:
    • 33 extinct (EX) species[d]
    • 2 extinct in the wild (EW)
    • 113 possibly extinct [CR(PE)]
    • 0 possibly extinct in the wild [CR(PEW)]

  1. ^ excludes data deficient evaluations.
  2. ^ NT and LC.
  3. ^ Threatened comprises CR, EN and VU. Upper estimate additionally includes DD.
  4. ^ Chart omits extinct (EX) species
Vulnerable (VU) species are considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.

For a species to be assessed as vulnerable to extinction the best available evidence must meet quantitative criteria set by the IUCN designed to reflect "a high risk of extinction in the wild". Endangered and critically endangered species also meet the quantitative criteria of vulnerable species, and are listed separately. See: List of endangered amphibians, List of critically endangered amphibians. Vulnerable, endangered and critically endangered species are collectively referred to as threatened species by the IUCN.

Additionally 1567 amphibian species (24% of those evaluated) are listed as data deficient, meaning there is insufficient information for a full assessment of conservation status. As these species typically have small distributions and/or populations, they are intrinsically likely to be threatened, according to the IUCN.[2] While the category of data deficient indicates that no assessment of extinction risk has been made for the taxa, the IUCN notes that it may be appropriate to give them "the same degree of attention as threatened taxa, at least until their status can be assessed".[3]

This is a complete list of vulnerable amphibian species evaluated by the IUCN.

Salamanders edit

There are 93 salamander species assessed as vulnerable.

Lungless salamanders edit

Asiatic salamanders edit

Mole salamanders edit

Salamandrids edit

True salamanders and newts

Proteids edit

  • Olm (Proteus anguinus)

Torrent salamanders edit

Frogs edit

There are 573 frog species assessed as vulnerable.

Water frogs edit

Robber frogs edit

Shrub frogs edit

Cryptic forest frogs edit

True toads edit

Fleshbelly frogs edit

Glass frogs edit

Batrachylids edit

Litter frogs edit

Screeching frogs edit

Hemiphractids edit

Poison dart frogs edit

Mantellids edit

Ceratobatrachids edit

Fork-tongued frogs edit

Narrow-mouthed frogs edit

True frogs edit

Australian water frogs edit

Puddle frogs edit

Hylids edit

Includes tree frog species and their allies.

African reed frogs edit

Other frog species edit

Gymnophiona edit

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ "IUCN Red List version 2016-2". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Retrieved 8 September 2016.
  2. ^ "Limitations of the Data". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Retrieved 11 January 2016.
  3. ^ "2001 Categories & Criteria (version 3.1)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Retrieved 11 January 2016.