In linear algebra, the main diagonal (sometimes principal diagonal, primary diagonal, leading diagonal, major diagonal, or good diagonal) of a matrix is the list of entries where . All off-diagonal elements are zero in a diagonal matrix. The following four matrices have their main diagonals indicated by red ones:
For a square matrix, the diagonal (or main diagonal or principal diagonal) is the diagonal line of entries running from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner.[1][2][3] For a matrix with row index specified by and column index specified by , these would be entries with . For example, the identity matrix can be defined as having entries of 1 on the main diagonal and zeroes elsewhere:
The trace of a matrix is the sum of the diagonal elements.
The top-right to bottom-left diagonal is sometimes described as the minor diagonal or antidiagonal.
The off-diagonal entries are those not on the main diagonal. A diagonal matrix is one whose off-diagonal entries are all zero.[4][5]
A superdiagonal entry is one that is directly above and to the right of the main diagonal.[6][7] Just as diagonal entries are those with , the superdiagonal entries are those with . For example, the non-zero entries of the following matrix all lie in the superdiagonal:
Likewise, a subdiagonal entry is one that is directly below and to the left of the main diagonal, that is, an entry with .[8] General matrix diagonals can be specified by an index measured relative to the main diagonal: the main diagonal has ; the superdiagonal has ; the subdiagonal has ; and in general, the -diagonal consists of the entries with .
A banded matrix is one for which its non-zero elements are restricted to a diagonal band. A tridiagonal matrix has only the main diagonal, superdiagonal, and subdiagonal entries as non-zero.
The antidiagonal (sometimes counter diagonal, secondary diagonal (*), trailing diagonal, minor diagonal, off diagonal, or bad diagonal) of an order square matrix is the collection of entries such that for all . That is, it runs from the top right corner to the bottom left corner.
(*) Secondary (as well as trailing, minor and off) diagonals very often also mean the (a.k.a. k-th) diagonals parallel to the main or principal diagonals, i.e., for some nonzero k =1, 2, 3, ... More generally and universally, the off diagonal elements of a matrix are all elements not on the main diagonal, i.e., with distinct indices i ≠ j.