Marketed Health Products Directorate


The Marketed Health Products Directorate (MHPD) is the Canadian federal authority that monitors the safety and effectiveness of health products marketed in Canada. These include:[1]

As part of Health Canada, MHPD collects and analyzes reports of adverse health product reactions through its network of regional reporting centres and disseminates new health product safety information.[2][3]

References edit

  1. ^ Health Canada (2008). "An Overview of the Marketed Health Products Directorate". Retrieved 28 February 2013.
  2. ^ Lexchin, Joel (2005). "Drug withdrawals from the Canadian market for safety reasons, 1963–2004". Canadian Medical Association Journal. March 15, 2005 vol. 172 no. 6 doi: 10.1503/cmaj.045021
  3. ^ Sibbald, Barbara (2002). "Health Canada targets postmarket surveillance of drugs". Canadian Medical Association Journal, June 11, 2002 vol. 166 no. 12

External links edit

  • Marketed Health Products Directorate (official website)
  • Health Canada. "Marketed Health Products Directorate: Retrospective - The First Five Years | 2002-2007"