The Stickelberger element of level m is defined as
The Stickelberger ideal of level m, denoted I(Km), is the set of integral multiples of θ(Km) which have integral coefficients, i.e.
More generally, if F be any Abelian number field whose Galois group over is denoted GF, then the Stickelberger element ofF and the Stickelberger ideal ofF can be defined. By the Kronecker–Weber theorem there is an integer m such that F is contained in Km. Fix the least such m (this is the (finite part of the) conductor of F over ). There is a natural group homomorphismGm → GF given by restriction, i.e. if σ ∈ Gm, its image in GF is its restriction to F denoted resmσ. The Stickelberger element of F is then defined as
The Stickelberger ideal of F, denoted I(F), is defined as in the case of Km, i.e.
In the special case where F = Km, the Stickelberger ideal I(Km) is generated by (a − σa)θ(Km) as a varies over /m. This not true for general F.[2]
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Ireland, Kenneth; Rosen, Michael (1990). A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory. Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Vol. 84 (2nd ed.). New York: Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-2103-4. ISBN 978-1-4419-3094-1. MR 1070716.
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