Tatar Braille


The braille alphabet used for the Tatar language is based on Russian Braille, with several additional letters found in the print Tatar alphabet.

Tatar Braille
Script type
Print basis
Tatar alphabet
Related scripts
Parent systems

Alphabet edit

Tatar uses all of the letters of the Russian alphabet, though some just in loans, and has the additional letters ә, җ, ң, һ, ө, ү.

Print а a ә ä б b в v/w г g/ğ д d е e ё yo ж j җ c з z и i й y
Print к k/q л l м m н n ң ñ о o ө ö п p р r с s т t у u ү ü
Print ф f х x һ h ц c ч ç ш ş щ şş ъ ы ı ь э é ю yu я ya

Punctuation edit

Single punctuation:

Print , . ? ! ; :

Paired punctuation:

Tatar Braille is reported to use the Russian arithmetical parentheses ... .

Print « ... » ( ... )
Braille  ...   ... 

Formatting edit

italics capital number

References edit

  • UNESCO (2013) World Braille Usage, 3rd edition.