Steps Involved in Tron Dapp Development

  • Creation of an account before developing your business idea
  • Develop smart contracts
  • Create tokens
  • Install the necessary development tools
  • Set up the API’s

Creation of an account before developing your business idea - Get to know how to use the TRONlink Chrome wallet for connecting to the TRON blockchain network easily. Select your network as Shasta which is the official testnet for TRON. Request some Trx coins for starting your Dapp on TRON. Copy and paste your account address to receive the Trx coins. Once you configure the TRONBOX, write down the address where the contracts were deployed to. Learn how to code in the Solidity programming language. This will allow your Dapp to interact with the TRON blockchain network.

Develop smart contracts - Establish smart contracts for monitoring the operations without human intervention.

Create tokens - Develop tokens on the TRON platform either on TRC10 or TRC20 token standards.

Install the necessary development tools - Take steps to install the development applications after reading all the relevant developer documents thoroughly.

Set up the API’s - Install the needed API’s for customizing and building your Dapp. 

Follow these steps to develop a successful Dapps on tron platform.


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