What Are the Top 5 Signs of Engine Trouble?

Different parts and functions of your car work as a combined force to make it run smoothly on the roads. However, the engine is a vital part without which your vehicle will not run. It is extremely important to keep your engine fully maintained and repaired from time to time, but damaged are inevitable. The situation gets worse when you don’t attend to your engine on time and the damages become irreparable. If you want to keep your engine running for longer without having to spend extra on engine replacement services, here are the top 5 signs that will tell you if your engine is troubled.

Excessive Engine Smoke

Smoke coming out from the engine or exhaust is a clear indication of a blown head gasket, so it doesn’t really matter what the color is. The black, blue, or grey color determines the gravity of the problem or damage in the engine. For example, white smoke means that the coolant is leaking whereas black or dark grey smoke means that the fuel gas is burning too much. Blue smoke means that the pistons or valves are damaged. Clogged air filters and ignitions troubles can also be the reasons for smoke emissions.


When your engine is turned off for a while, it takes some minutes for the cold engine to get back to its normal temperature. However, if the season is not so hot but your engine is rapidly overheating, there is a trouble that you have been overlooking. Inefficient coolant blend, a leak in the coolant device, or trouble in the flushing system can be the major reasons why your car is overheating. If the coolant levels are fine, then check the water pump. Water pump leaks also make your car’s engine heat up more often.

Strange Noises

Strange, loud, and knocking noises coming from the engine is an audible sign that the engine needs proper maintenance and repair. When you start your engine, you hear a normal sound. Nonetheless, a different and disturbing sound that is clearly coming from the engine can be because of muffler catalytic damage. Gaskets and seals in your engine can also be ruptured or damaged. Take your vehicle to the mechanic and replace any part that is causing the trouble before it is too late.

Read also: Is A Car Engine Replacement Worth in 2021?

Check Engine Light

The latest car models come with a smart on-board diagnostic system that makes your car efficient enough to detect and inform you about any potential damage to any part of the vehicle including the engine. If the check engine light on your dashboard is still blinking after you have turned it off, it is time to pop the hood up. Check engine light comes up usually when oxygen sensor or air filter needs replacement, spark plugs are damaged, or issue in catalytic convertor.

Hard Starting and Acceleration

If you are finding it hard to start your car in the first go and even harder for the engine to pick up acceleration, while driving, you must take your engine for a detailed checkup. A vacuum leak, dirty exhaust, and spark plug damage are the common reasons. 


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