4 Lawn Care Mistakes to Avoid This Summer

By now, you have probably mastered your general lawn care routine. Maybe you mow it once a week, water it on fairly regularly, and are happy with the progress it’s has made. Still, there are a few common lawn care mistakes that could hold your lawn back from being the lush carpet of grass the rest of the neighborhood will envy. Without realizing it, some of these well-intended mistakes could do more damage than good if you’re not careful. So, before you get too deep into lawn mowing season, make sure you avoid these four mistakes.

Cutting Your Lawn Too Short

It’s easy to think the shorter you cut your lawn, the longer you can wait between mows. While this idea is tempting, it can be detrimental to the long-term health of your lawn. When you chop off more than one-third of the length, the lawn’s ability to process sunlight and water is compromised, which can negatively affect the way your lawn forms a healthy root system. Set the blade height of your battery mower to one-third of the current length of the lawn every time, and to ensure you keep it at a healthy length.

Ignoring Your Dull Mower Blades

Are your lawn mower blades as sharp as they should be? There’s a considerable difference between cutting the grass and tearing it—even if you don’t quite notice it at first. But if your lawn starts to turn a brown or grayish color, it’s a sign the individual blades of grass are being damaged by your dull mower blade, leaving your lawn susceptible to potential pests and disease. Be sure to keep those blades nice and sharp to protect the appearance and health of your lawn.

Overwatering Your Lawn

How often do you water your lawn? While you definitely don’t want to deprive your lawn of enough water, it is possible to go overboard if you’re not careful. If you oversaturate your lawn, much of the water will be wasted through runoff. Many experts recommend giving your lawn an inch of water per week, spread throughout three times over the course of the week. To help you determine how long you need to water your lawn, place a bucket, bowl, or another dish in the yard and time how long it takes to fill it to your desired measurement. Once you find the right timing, you can set your sprinkler schedule to match.

Using a Gas-Powered Lawn Mower

Finally, if you’re still using a gas-guzzling lawn mower, consider switching. Many homeowners and professionals alike choose a battery lawn mower because it is quieter, more efficient, more eco-friendly, and saves the hassle of filling up the gas tank before every mowing session. The best battery mowers are just as powerful, if not more powerful, than their gas-powered counterparts, and the convenience is unmatched.

About Greenworks Tools

Greenworks Tools remains a respected industry leader in the electric and battery-powered outdoor power tool space, known for their technological innovation. Greenworks Tools’ electric power tools have made the brand a favorite among both landscaping professionals and the DIY crowd thanks to the power, reliability, and energy efficiency of their designs. The brand offers a broad selection of lightweight and compact electrical and battery-operated outdoor power tools in 24-volt, 40-volt, 60-volt, and 80-volt models, as well as a commercial-grade collection of 82-volt models. Greenworks Tools combines cutting-edge battery technology with industry-leading power tool innovation, helping deliver power and performance comparable to gasoline-powered tools. Say goodbye to the teeth-rattling vibration, deafening noise, and noxious fumes of gas-powered tools. Plus, you won’t have to worry about oil and gas stains either. Choose from Greenworks Tools’ lawn mowers cordless and electric, electric pressure washers, cordless chainsaws, leaf blowers, string trimmers, and other yard tools to help your yard be the best in the neighborhood.

Avoid lawn care mistakes with Greenworks Tools’ electric outdoor tool essentials at https://www.greenworkstools.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/34ZWkpU


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