Lumps In Dogs

Even if you notice that your dog has lumps and bumps in the body, you should not be alarmed. After all, the body lumps do not necessarily mean that the dog has cancer. Unfortunately, you cannot determine the nature of these body lumps because they are found under the skin.

The vet might request to get a sample from the lumps and look at these under the microscope. Unfortunately, just looking under the microscope is not enough to determine the cause. In this case, the lump needs to be removed so that a biopsy can be performed.

Dogs have lymph nodes that can be identified outside the body. The areas to look for are the jaw, front shoulder, armpits, inside the groin, and at the back of the knees. You must know where these lumps are located so you can tell whether these are growing.  After all, enlarged lymph nodes may signify serious infection and cancer.

Any lump and/or bump on your pet’s body should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Cornelius, NC.


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