network architect job description

Network Architect Duties and Responsibilitie

Network Architects must complete various tasks in order to install, upgrade and maintain corporate network systems. We have analyzed several Network Architect job listings and found the following duties and responsibilities among the most commonly indicated for this occupation.

Design Network Systems

Network Architects determine the data communications needs of the company they are working for and develop the best systems to meet these needs. This includes designing servers, configuring components and troubleshooting any issues prior to implementation.

Plan the Installation and Implementation of Network Systems

From determining cable layout and placement to selecting modems and routers, Network Architects oversee the installation and implementation of computer network systems. They maintain documentation during the installation and implementation processes, manage staff and ensure that the project is completely on schedule.

Upgrade Existing Network Components

In addition to designing and installing new systems, Network Architects are also responsible for upgrading components in existing networks. They might install new routers, switches, security software or other parts to improve the operation of a system.

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