Chiropractic Care For Truck Accident Injuries

Truck accidents are tragic events that cost thousands of lives in the United States. Sadly, despite the gravity of these incidents, trucking accidents are quite common in our country.  According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), Florida joins just nine other states in accounting for half of all fatal U.S truck crashes.  

Having mentioned that, we believe that you are here because you may have also been involved in a trucking accident. These events can lead to permanent damages that will of course affect your quality of life and prevent you from performing even the simplest of tasks.

For that reason, we believe that you should contact a competent chiropractor, who will provide you with the best type of treatment for truck accidents in Pompano Beach. We urge you to join us throughout this article so that you can learn factors that contribute to truck accidents, alongside the necessary treatment for your injuries.

Truck Accidents

  • A head-on collision occurs when the front end of a truck crashes with another one. This accident can result in devastating injuries, such as broken bones, neck damages, and head trauma.

  • A jackknife accident is the result of braking too quickly. This will cause the truck’s trailer to swing outwards. The occupants of other vehicles are more likely to sustain injuries such as head trauma.

  • Brake failure accidents are very common in trucks that have not completed the necessary vehicle inspections. Drivers can suffer severe whiplash injuries in the moment when they hit the brakes of the vehicle. 

  • Rear-end accidents are especially dangerous because commercial trucks weigh a lot more than other vehicles. As a result, the impact will be more fatal to people sitting in the vehicle receiving the trauma.

Types of Injuries Caused By Trucking Accidents

  • A very common injury suffered as a result of a truck accident is whiplash. This is an injury caused by a forceful, rapid, back-and-forth motion of the neck.

  • Spinal cord injuries may result from damage to the vertebrae, ligaments, discs of the spinal column, or to the spinal cord itself. A traumatic spinal cord injury may be provoked by a sudden traumatic blow to your spine that fractures, dislocates, crushes, or compresses one or more of your vertebrae.

  • Fractures in the skull, arms, legs, ribs, hips, and vertebrae are very common in truck accidents.

  • Common head injuries include concussions, skull fractures, and scalp wounds. If these are not treated properly, they can morph into brain trauma. These injuries can be extremely dangerous because it can affect the motor function of people.

Chiropractic Care

Whether your accident was mild or extreme, it is highly important to seek medical assistance immediately. If you are experiencing pain chiropractic care will help you eliminate it right away. A chiropractor can also strengthen the injured area and improve your range of mobility.

The back and neck are areas of the body that suffer the most affiliations when affected by a truck-related accident. By not effectively addressing your pain, your injuries could get far worse and your recovery period can definitely be extended.

  • Spinal manipulations are utilized to reduce pain and tension. Chiropractors can adjust any vertebrae that are applying pressure to the nerves.

  • After suffering a truck accident, your soft tissue might be negatively affected. For that reason, physical therapy is a good option to recover from your injuries. This consists of exercising your affected limbs. Range of motion exercises will help you regain strength and mobility, improve flexibility, and enhance coordination.

  • Manual adjustments while applying heat and cold compresses are practiced to take care of neck injuries. If you suffered whiplash, this will be a proper option to recover from your ache. The affected soft tissue of your neck will be relieved from inflammation and pain.

We are certain that you are more aware of the injuries that are likely to occur in a truck accident. For that reason, it is very important to receive medical assistance to recover from your ailments. Contact your chiropractor to receive the best treatment for injuries suffered during a truck accident in Pompano Beach right now!


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