Signs That Your Home Needs Mold Remediation

You may have seen many mold removal companies in Naples, FL, and you are wondering, “what’s new?”  These companies do not exist for the sake of profit alone but serve a useful purpose to homeowners. The truth is that there is no way to get rid of all the molds in your house. Molds are a natural part of the environment and serve an essential purpose – they are used to break down biodegradable materials.

Unfortunately, some molds are harmful to human health, and so, you need to get rid of them. You stand the risk of suffering respiratory illnesses when you are exposed to them. They can also damage your home structure, but before it gets to this point, you need to contact a mold removal in Naples FL.

If you own a house and are confused about hiring a certified mold removal company, you need to look out for some changes. Some molds are invisible to the naked eye, but they can contaminate the air circulating. Here are some signs that you need mold remediation:

Odors from an unknown source

You know that your house needs the touch of a mold removal company in Naples, FL when you start noticing odors in your home. Your air conditioner duct could be the source of the foul smell, and so, be sure to check it thoroughly before make up your mind to do mold remediation in your home. If you have checked all the possible places the odor may be coming from and found nothing, then a hidden mold could be the cause.

Water intrusion

The presence of moisture triggers mold spores. If you have ever wondered why mold exists in homes, think about the water in your environment. Homes that are situated in a flooded environment would likely breed molds more than others in drier space. When your furniture and property are saturated with water, it takes a long time to dry out, thus encouraging the growth of molds. Look out for water intrusion problems in your home and rectify them. If you live in a flood-prone area, then you need mold remediation.

Discoloration of walls

Because we don't see molds most times, we assume they are non-existent. Even if you don't see them, they can manifest in various ways. One such way is the discoloration of the ceiling, walls, and other parts of the home. Some molds may appear red, green, brown, or grey, depending on the organic substance they settled into.

Even if you doubt that mold remediation is necessary, you should contact a mold remediation company in Naples, FL, to do a feasibility study of your home. After reading this, take a closer look at your home to see if there are changes. When you notice one, take the bold step immediately.


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