A Guide On Picking A Rawhide Chew For Your Pet

Aside from regular brushing, you can enhance your pet’s oral hygiene during playtime. Make use of your pet’s love for chewing to clean its teeth and gums.

As your pet spends time playing, you can give it a rawhide bone to chew while it plays. The rawhide should be of good quality to encourage the pet to keep on chewing.  Continuous use of this chew toy will keep the gums and teeth in good condition.

You can choose from various rawhide models in the market. These have different sizes and shapes that cater to the different needs of pets. If you are getting a rawhide chew for your pet, you might want to get the one with a braided design because it is more durable.

Pet owners also recommend rawhide chews with enzyme content. The enzyme is effective in reducing the accumulation of plaque in the dog’s mouth.  You can also prevent your pet from choking on the chew toy. Pick a larger type so that the dog will not put the entire toy in its mouth.

Your veterinary clinic Fayetteville, NC is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.


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