Health Insurance Comparisons in Switzerland - Save your Money today

Switzerland has one of the best healthcare infrastructures in the world today. All its citizens are entitled to receive complete healthcare, which is made possible by the health insurance that is mandatory for all. 

Timely expert medical care is provided for illness, maternity, accidents, and other healthcare situations. The best part is that it is compulsory for the healthcare insurance providers to deliver standard and the same level of services and benefits to everybody without any differences in their health status or their policy factors. The Federal Office of Public Health ensures that adequate care is provided for every citizen and is responsible for overseeing all the regulations that are followed diligently to ensure a seamless experience for all stakeholders. 

That is why Switzerland’s healthcare infrastructure is considered one of the best in the world. 

Healthcare insurance is compulsory for all citizens, even those who are residing on temporary work or visit permits. The facilities are made possible not by government funding or through taxes, but through mandatory health and accident insurance. There are around 60 non-profit insurance providers that are approved by the government to provide basic healthcare coverage for all. The premiums are decided based on the provider, type of coverage, facilities opted for, place of residence (and its regulations), etc. The costs can be quite high, as Swiss insurance plans require high cost-sharing between the policyholder and the insurer. Though it does assure the best possible healthcare for the policyholders, it is important to choose the right policy that balances the care required and the costs of the premiums. 

The policyholder is responsible for healthcare payment until the insurance is active, including deductibles and coinsurance. They would also be liable for coinsurance costs which could be almost as high as 10% of the costs after the deductible. The government does cap the costs for most of the services to protect the policyholders, and it provides a stringent regulatory mechanism. Citizens should undertake regular health insurance comparisons to ensure that they can choose the perfect policy for them while balancing the costs. 

This is an important step that can help you save money while choosing insurance. Below are some ways in which you can minimize your premiums while still being covered for all your healthcare requirements:

1. Research thoroughly

Government agencies monitor the Insurance industry thoroughly to ensure that all stakeholders are provided the best solutions for a seamless experience. Citizens can access regular updates to policies, rights of the policyholders, and other critical information which helps them make the right choices. Since family members can choose from different service providers, they can opt for whatever is the right choice for them. Local cantons are the primary healthcare insurance centers, where regulations are defined to help citizens. They also publish annual reports on policies, premiums, and other insurance data to help applicants when deciding the healthcare package. 

2. Supplementary Insurance

Compulsory health insurance covers all the fundamental requirements, but it is advisable to choose supplementary insurance as required. So, if dental healthcare would not be covered under the compulsory package but can be opted for through supplementary insurance. Without proper research on a health insurance comparison, you may opt for similar coverage through both primary and supplementary insurance which would unnecessarily increase the premiums. Even gym subscriptions and vaccinations are not covered under primary insurance, so it is important to find the right supplementary insurance for your safety. Do check out the health insurance comparison at

3. Type of insurance

Policyholders can also choose certain types of insurance that can help in reducing insurance premiums for the applicants such as restricted choice in healthcare facilities. This would mean that instead of a free choice of hospitals or doctors, they must visit a general practitioner who would then direct them to the appropriate healthcare facility or the right specialists. This is a good choice if the applicants are healthy and do not foresee any specialist intervention. 

There are other packages such as optional deductibles, bonus insurance, and other different insurance models which can help you reduce the burden of premiums by eliminating unnecessary coverage. 

4. Deductibles

A deductible is a component of medical bills that is the minimum amount that the policyholder would pay before the insurance provider steps in. Basically, for any healthcare requirement, you would take care of the initial costs until the deductible limit, and anything over that has to be taken care of by the provider. If the deductibles are high, the premium would be lower, and vice versa. That is why it is important to choose the highest deductibles possible after considering annual medical expenses, residence, and other parameters when doing a health insurance comparison. 


Health insurance comparison is very important because it not only provides complete healthcare coverage but also can be very expensive. Due diligence goes a long way in saving money for policyholders while ensuring total security in emergency situations.


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