Why Knowpia?

"Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without action is futile."

    In a sense for real life situations, it is not only important to be book smart, but street smart. The quickest way for us to be able to gain this knowledge is online. We can break up online knowledge into two categories either objective or subjective. Objective meaning that the information given is factual and accurate, while subjective is more nonfactual and opinionated from someone's perspective. Although we have access to both, where can we really find this in one convenient location? The online platform, Knowpia, combines both on their user friendly website by giving you facts plus experience to give the most in gaining all the knowledge you desire. 

    Knowpia provides a decentralized knowledge ecosystem that encourages users to share their own understanding and knowledge through incentives in a form of cryptocurrency known as KNOW Tokens. This is an online platform that PAYS you to provide your knowledge so that as a community we all learn and gain knowledge from different perspectives from users. This platform provides users access to a free encyclopedia that is constantly updating to provide the most accurate information on every and anything. It then encourages that user to share with others by not only offering awards, but giving you full ownership of all the content you post. With a globally growing community of users and contributors in 200 countries covering 5 continents, why not join the social movement of mass knowledge-based sharing?


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