Hair Growth Shampoo - How to Get the Best One for You

‘Water, water everywhere but not even a drop to drink,’ so many shampoos in the market but none is right for your lovely hair you think. Do you find yourself lost within the stacks and piles of shampoos available in the market but can’t find the right one that would do wonders for you? Relax, we have brought you a guide that will surely help you through in finding the right shampoo for you 

First, you need to understand that your hair is as unique as you are and it is not necessary that if a hair product works well on someone with a similar hair type then it will work for you too. However, identifying your hair type and hair issues can surely help you in finding the right shampoo that will help your beautiful locks grow. 

Follow a simple procedure and watch your hair grow happy and healthy 

1.    Know your scalp

The roots of your hair are deeply penetrated in your scalp. It works as a soil that binds your hair and holds them firmly so that it can fall freely without any breakage. When you plant a sapling you nourish the soil to provide appropriate nutrients to your plant. The same ways to trigger the growth of your hair you need to take care of your scalp. 

2.    Know your hair

Similarly, know your hair. It might be surprising to you but, your hair can be different from your scalp. You may have an oily crown but dry and frizzy hair strands. You need to find a solution that suits both your hair and scalp.

     Using different shampoos on the crown and the length of your hair

     Using a volumizing shampoo for oily scalp and going with a conditioner to smooth your dry hair ends

     Gently wash your hair and skull without rubbing them harshly to avoid any breakage or irritation.

Oily scalp/hair

If your hair/scalp is oily, go for a volumizing or hair strengthening shampoo. Products with such labels are generally designed to wash away excess oil and dirt from your scalp making it clean and healthy.

     TIP: Avoid excess washing of your hair if you have an oily scalp. Instead of taking away excess oil it will rather trigger your scalp to produce more oil

      Avoid applying any conditioner on your scalp. However you can use it from mid length to the end of your hair

Dry scalp/hair

For dry, fluffy or itchy scalp, opt for a moisturizing  shampoo, Please take it seriously to choose wisely if you have a dry scalp, if chosen the wrong shampoo it can worsen your hair issues. Your scalp can get more itchy and can even produce dandruff. So go for a shampoo which has a  moisturizing or hydrating formula.

     TIP: Prefer shampoos with essential oils like tea tree oil, it will help with retention of moisture in the scalp

Normal scalp/hair

If you are blessed with a normal scalp, release your tensions because you are good to go with any mild shampoo. Go for a shampoo that is a combination of hydrating and volumizing. There are a range of balancing shampoos available in the market.

3.    Go for Oil based shampoos

Find your resort in natural and oil based shampoos. For strong, healthy, and shining tresses go for shampoos that are sulphate and paraben free. And most importantly go for oil based shampoos. It will be surprising for you to know that oil based shampoos work like magic for all hair types. Even with an oily scalp or hair you can still invest in oil based hair products. They not only provide a nice cleansing effect but also keep the natural oil of the skull intact. 

These days there are many brands who have come up with organic hair products. You can definitely check products by Arganicare. They are natural, oil based , and specially formulated to suit different hair types and treat different hair issues.


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