Mites in Hedgehogs

Mites are external parasites that feed on pets. They resemble tiny spiders and are red. One may not quickly notice the presence of mites on hedgehogs because of their small size. Shedding of the spine is natural in hedgehogs. However, pet owners can tell an abnormal shedding due to mite infection if a hedgehog experiences hair loss, irritation of skin and quills, dandruff, and flaky skin. Other symptoms to watch out for are weight loss and weakness. An infected hedgehog also shows persistent scratching, biting, licking, or chewing parts of its body. Pet owners should avoid self-medicating their infected hedgehogs as some pets do not respond positively to medications. It is best to follow the advice of a veterinarian Salisbury, NC. If there is a suspected mite infestation, the veterinarian may conduct skin scraping to get some samples and confirm mites' presence. Hedgehogs can get mites from their beddings, enclosure, food, or another hedgehog. So, it is essential always to maintain clean surroundings.


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