Where We Go

Where we'll go is determined by how we get there.

The journey is the thing. The destination is important. But only as it applies to how it was arrived at. I’ve been to a few memorial services—and more the older I get—and I find that the people who touched the most, have the services with the most attendees. That may sound like an obvious statement. But if it is, then why don’t we learn from it?!

Live your life reaching out. Live your life touching the lives of others in a memorable way. Live the life you want your obituary to say about you.

I read a nice quote:

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be” – Douglas Adams

I don’t know who Douglas Adams is or was, but this is a nice, thought-provoking quote. Putting my own spin on it, ending up where we needed to be means that we put time, thought and effort into how we got there. Otherwise, the statement wouldn’t—couldn’t—be true.

How about you? Where will you end up? How many will attend your memorial? Set your life intention now to be the best you can be for others and yourself.

Happy New year!


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