5 Vegetables and Their Benefits

You've probably grown up always hearing that you need to eat your vegetables grow up big and strong. And I'm sorry if you're not a big fan of vegetables, but they were probably right. Vegetables are a great source of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. You can't just live off of junk food, protein, and fruit. You have to throw in some vegetables! So without further ado, here are 5 vegetables and their benefits. 

1. Kale

Kale has recently risen dramatically in popularity, and you may associate it with hipsters and people trying to be fancy by adding kale into their diet. But they're honestly on the right track. Kale is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, is loaded with powerful antioxidants, and an excellent source of Vitamin C and Vitamin K. It's also known to lower cholesterol, which is often associated with heart disease. 

2. Spinach

Popeye the Sailor Man ate spinach to save the love of his life, and so should you. Spinach contains many minerals and vitamins that would help you in your daily life. According to GuideDoc, "The calcium in spinach can help strengthen your bones to fight against injury, and vitamins A and C, fiber, folic acid, and other nutrients fight against colon and breast cancers.Spinach also helps to lower damaging protein levels in the blood and can protect against high blood pressure and heart disease. So eat spinach, and get strong!

3. Carrots

Need to lose weight but love snacking? Or maybe your eyesight is getting worse! According to Healthline, "Carrots are a particularly good source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants...They're a weight-loss-friendly food and have been linked to lower cholesterol levels and improved eye health." Start crunching away then!

4. Broccoli

I know they basically look like small trees, but if you haven't already, try introducing them into your diet. HealthyEating.org claims that, "broccoli is a great source of vitamins K and C, a good source of folate (folic acid) and also provides potassium, fiber. Vitamin C – builds collagen, which forms body tissue and bone, and helps cuts and wounds heal. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and protects the body from damaging free radicals." It keeps you full and provides you with many nutrients!

5. Brussel Sprouts

Finally, we've reached the very end. Brussel sprouts. Now, in my experience, it seems that most of the people I've met never really had good memories with this vegetable. But here's the thing, Healthline says that "brussels sprouts are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, making them a nutritious addition to your diet. They may also come with added health benefits, including the potential to reduce the risk of cancer, decrease inflammation and improve blood sugar control." This sounds like a very good way to heal your body and improve your health. 

Now, I understand that some of these foods may not be as enjoyable to you as your bag of chips. But to live a long, healthy life you have to take steps to take care of your body. There's no shame in having a little junk food every now and then, but you must live with a balanced diet. Try new recipes, try tricking your brain!

Vegetables like spinach and kale can be easily hidden in fruit smoothies. You get the delicious, refreshing taste of a fruity smoothie while receiving the benefits of your hidden vegetables. Carrots, broccoli, and kale can be served on the side of your meals. Have it in your soups, roast it, steam it, add seasoning! Healthy food doesn't have to be tasteless food!

I hope you try adding more of these healthy vegetables into your diet and trying out new things, good luck on your food journey!


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