What is consciousness-based education?

Conscious based education is one which is based on the approach to developing the deeper level of consciousness into the students through a process of the systematic development program in the school or university level. The major programs of Consciousness-Based education are the Transcendental Meditation (TM) and TM-Sidhi programs of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This program is already offered in 60 countries with 300000 students and 500 schools offering it. The science and technology has verified over the years that the 60 years of valid benefits are observed with the development of health, brain, mental abilities, behavior and social consciousness.

The Purpose of Consciousness-Based Education

It is essential for the students to learn a lot of things in the education sector while they are enrolled as students and be able to apply their critical skills as well and cognitive skills to solve the complex real-world problems. Developing the full creative potential of consciousness is a necessary task which helps the students to master their lives and help themselves in various difficult situations and circumstances. The behavior they display is not always nourishing for their personal growth or the environment surrounding them. Therefore the need for consciousness based education is dire in the world. The students must possess the natural skills to fulfill their own dreams and interests without jeopardizing the interests of others.

The ideal consciousness education is provided to students who have a path of enlightenment to follow; the consciousness-based education is the key to develop cognitive and mental skills to enhance memory and stamina.

Mahesh Yogi discovered the secret of conscious mind by applying the laws of science and nature to find out the real magic the conscious mind can do for the world. He wanted to help the students so they can discover the field of pure consciousness within their minds and hearts and get all the knowledge to acquire the consciousness skills. The heart and should of MUM education is to provide a platform which helps to eliminate the barriers among mind and body; the students can learn a great deal of knowledge including experiencing their innermost mature through the meditation practices and principles. The technique of meditation is thousands of years old and used in yoga; you can easily connect each discipline to your own life, and see the underlying unity of all knowledge.

Why Get Consciousness-Based Education?

Lao Tzu once said in the 6th century before Christ that the key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into an awareness. The education does not provide the true seed of mortality these days and does not foster the mental development which is the basic aim of education. The third world countries are far behind in developing the mental skills and providing consciousness based education which is essential for the mental growth and spiritual harmony as well. The MUM education can help the students to cherish and unfold the seed of greatness and eliminates the seeds of hate and anger. These seeds of spiritual greatness are sown within our soul by the God himself, and we need to nourish them with proper education.

The students can develop their skills to understand their conscious mind to the fullest extent and be able to use their capacities according to the gits of God who has already endowed us. God made us a perfect being with a few imperfections, Anna Jameson in 1794 gave the idea to students about the study of consciousness of mind in the history. In order to transform our lives in harmony with the existence and nature and to please God, we need to develop a strong consciousness based mind that will give us information about each dimension of our mind and help explore the truth within ourselves. It helps the man to rise above the odds and simple things and do something greater to achieve a purpose or goal in life rather than the little benefits.

Human beings believe many things in life-based on their knowledge and education, education is the king of the female in their hearts in order to fill the gaps between their thinking and development.


The consciousness based education is the one that is linked to the mental capabilities and consciousness of mind working as a tool to provide wisdom and greater abilities in life. The importance of consciousness based education is ever increasing in the modern world as depicted by the historians and spiritual leaders of the past. Even before the birth of Christ, the consciousness-based education was a part of people’s lives to promote harmony with nature.

Author Bio

Michael Walton is a writer born in Birmingham and traveling the world to find out more about the cultures and civilizations of the world to explore new dimensions and share his knowledge with his colleagues. Blogging has been him just way of educating the people regarding help with Dissertation Writing UK | DissertationTime.


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