Most Essential Criteria to Know Before Developing Ethereum Dapps

  • Open source network software

The software for your Ethereum DApps must be entirely open, and operate anonymously. The users should be able to make any changes in the application as they prefer. However, with the feedback based on the performance, the application might make changes for better results, but the decision should be entirely on the users. 

  • Cryptography encryption

The application should be encrypted adequately with strong cryptographic codes, which will secure the data and records of the users and store their information on the blockchain. 

  • Multi-layered security protocols 

The DApps should be secured with multi-layered security protocols for users to run the application securely and seamlessly. 

  • Rewards

Your platform needs to allow an incentive system to validators, provide them crypto tokens as a reward as they make efforts to verify transactions and store them on the blocks. This will also be useful for in-app purchases. Read more -


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