Really Easy Spells: Simple Magic Spells You Should Try

I get a lot of requests for powerful spells. The problem is that powerful spells can backfire if you do not know what you are doing. If you do know they are very safe. This is like anything with power.

Moving a car that weighs over a ton faster than 60 miles per hour is a form of power. You can drive safely if you know how. BUT if you do not know how to drive then you are a danger to yourself and others. So here are some simple spells you can play with:

This first Spell is very very simple. It is more of just a spell exercise but it can be very fun and it can also be good to practice.

Spell one: Magic Energy movement based on focus. Place your hands in front of you, palms out, as if you were as if you are holding an invisible beach ball. They should be about chest height, and comfortably bent. Now look at your right hand. Only focus on the right hand. See your left hand in your peripheral vision only, and do not focus on it at all. Continue focusing on your right hand. Maintain this focus for about a minute. Now place your hands together. The right hand will be noticeably warmer!

This is also fun to do with someone else. You can have someone else feel the warmth in your hands and tell you which one is warmer. And it is a repeatable spell that works a very high percentage of the time. With practice, this exercise will get easier. This is kind of like in fantasy books where the apprentice has to light the candle and spends a long time doing this one boring exercise.

By the way, you can warm things other than your own hands like a cup or marble but because they are not connected to you it is kind of like pushing water through a very small straw. It is slow and takes a long time.

I am sorry but actually starting a fire with a spell is very very hard. You will be moving on to other more useful spells long before you ever try anything like that.

Now that you felt your hand get warm you are ready for spell two. If your hand has not gotten warm yet then take a break and go back to that exercise again. Yep just like in the fantasy novels you have to get that one before moving on to this one.

For this spell you will pick someone that you know. This is because you already have a connection with them and you will be casting your magical energy down this connection or path to them.

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