7 Tips to Grow E-commerce Business Against Coronavirus In 2020 by William Y.

7 Tips to Grow E-commerce Business Against Coronavirus In 2020 by William Y.

Finding Suppliers

Find US based manufacturers and suppliers and only ship to customers who live in the US. That way you reduce any import checks and restrictions.

Find suppliers that you can build a strong relationship and can communicate on a daily basis.

You can ask for updates and shipping times and inventory with well connected suppliers.

Travel Restrictions(including people and cargo)

Travel restrictions have been placed on Italy, China, Argentina, USA, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Finland, and Greece.

Restrictions have been placed on people coming from Europe into the USA. Avoid suppliers from Europe unless you have a trusted suppliers you can communicate with on a daily basis.

The travel restrictions greatly impact supplies for your e-commerce store because many shipments are loaded into the cargo of commercial airlines.

Operations in China

Some factories are reopening after mid-March. However, shipping times will still be delayed even though manufacturing is up and running.

Factories depend on ports and logistics for their shipments. Many cargo terminals are shutting down, not only because of the coronavirus, but also because they have a low volume of orders.

Because there has been a huge reduction of passengers, there are less flights that have the ability to carry cargo.

E-Packet Shipping

Take advantage of E-Packet shipping because it's doesn't affect all suppliers.

Suggested Solution

Ship from warehouses based in the USA. Use SaleHaus.com to find agents to connect you with trustworthy suppliers.

Impact of Aliexpress

Many European countries are on lock down. Therefore, many European manufacturers are shutdown. So even if shipments are operating, suppliers are running out of inventory.

Questions To Screen Your Potential Supplier

Do you have enough stock to fulfill orders?

Are you able to fulfill orders?

What are the logistics for shipping?


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