Love in Action #1


Love in Action

It’s no secret I’m a big fan of the Beatles. I enjoy their shallow, poppy, skin deep themes and how many of their songs deal with love; coming at it from every angle imaginable. But I have to disagree with John Lennon when he says, “All you need is love”. To me, love is not enough, there has to be another ingredient.

In my opinion, love is not all you need. It is an excellent place to start, a great foundation. But as we grow, love is just a noun, resting just below the surface. Other than our moms, our love has no real focal point. It’s different with moms because, in our lives, they’ve always been there. Though we love them we are not “in love” with them.

And that’s exactly my point. Until we have a subject, a target, for our love, love remains a mousy noun within us; a potentially explosive noun waiting to realize its true potential, but a noun nonetheless.

Then one day, that certain special someone comes into our lives and BAM the whole game changes. Maybe it’s the smile or the eyes, the face or the figure, the laugh or the personality that moves us. Maybe it’s something indefinable. But without expecting it, suddenly love bursts forth and turns from a tame, dormant noun to an exciting inescapable VERB! An action word that takes our once stable life and throws it into a blender where our insides are whirling and our heads are twirling and life is a magical mystery tour of wow and wonder.

Check back in tomorrow when we’ll look at the object of our love and what happens to our brains when we see or think about them.




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