How can you do AC maintenance yourself at home?

Annual maintenance of Air Conditioner is essential as it helps in keeping the HVAC system up and you will not face any surprise breakdown at the time of necessity. No matter how expensive AC you purchase if you do not go for yearly maintenance, it will not last for a more extended period. People think that the maintenance cost of AC is very costly, but it is not so. Many people avoid buying AC because of its maintenance cost. But if you have a little knowledge of air conditioning, you can maintain your AC yourself at home.  It is true that going for AC repair now and then is very problematic. But you go for regular annual maintenance of your AC it will undoubtedly reduce the requirement of repairs of your AC. Hence you should never neglect the maintenance task of your AC. Nowadays you can get expert AC repairing mechanic everywhere in the market. Apart from that, you can also submit applications for AC repair online to the authorized repairing center, and they will send their expert professionals for routine maintenance.   

Some Common AC Maintenance task

The following are some few everyday AC maintenance tasks that you can perform at your home:

Checking the thermostat: The thermostat present in the AC should be calibrated correctly. This thermostat is responsible for ensuring comfort in every season. So, it is highly necessary to check the thermostat, and if you found that no programmable thermostat is not installed in your AC you can report it to your nearest authorized AC repair center, and they will send their expert for installing it on your AC at your house.

Tightening the electrical connection: Loose connections of any electrical part are always hazardous. It can cause improper operation, which will certainly reduce the lifespan of the equipment.  It is essential to check the voltage and current on the motor of the air conditioner.

Lubricating the parts of the air conditioner: If the parts of the air conditioner are not lubricated enough, then it may cause a high amount of friction in the system. When there is high friction, it will cause overheating, and there is a chance to break down the parts of AC. So you have to add lubricant to all parts of the AC so that they can move smoothly against each other. Using the lubricant also decreases the use of electricity and thereby you can quickly lower your electricity bill.   

Inspecting the condensate drain: All the cooling equipment and condensing furnaces are responsible for producing condensate at the time of operation. These condensates are generally collected in a pan at the time of reasonable condition, and it will drain away to the outside. When the air conditioner is used very slowly, the drain pan gets overflow, and if it remains in such condition for a more extended period, it will damage the equipment. As such, it is essential to check the condensate drain and clean it out so that the drain pipe does not have any blockage.

Checking the system control: In every air conditioner, the start cycle, operation as well as the shut-off sequence should always be in a specific fashion. It is essential to check all these system controls and ensure that everything is operating correctly. If there are any problems in the system control, then it is necessary to repair AC parts.      

Cleaning the blower: In every air conditioner there is a blower, and if there will be an issue in that blower it will reduce the efficiency of the AC by 15 percent. So, it is essential to check this blower and ensure that the airflow is maintained correctly as it is that equipment which can ensure ample comfort for your home.

Cleaning the evaporator and condenser coils: Soiled coils will slowly reduce the efficiency of the air conditioner. Hence it is essential to clean the condenser coil annually. If you clean the evaporator and condenser coils the capacity and the life of the air conditioner will be prolonged. Apart from that, cleaning the evaporator and condenser coils will ensure low electricity bill.

Checking the connection of the fuel line: If there is a leakage in the gas or oil connection, it can produce a hazardous effect and may cause serious health problems. Hence it is essential to tighten the connection for ensuring safety.

Inspecting the gas pressure, burner combustion, and heat exchanger: You must check the gas pressure, burner and heat exchanger of your air conditioner. It is very risky to have an incorrect strength, dirty burner and cracked heat exchanger. If you find improper gas pressure or if the heat exchanger is broken, then it is highly necessary to repair those parts or have a new furnace.       

Checking all these things mentioned above routinely will ensure the efficiency of the air conditioner. If you neglect the necessary maintenance, then it will decline the performance of the air conditioner, and at the same time, the energy usage will increase steadily. So, checking and maintaining the air conditioner routinely is essential 


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