Top 3 best yoga poses for office workers

Sitting all day at office desk spoils your shape and posture. Many working individuals are aware of the health issues and tension that arise due to spending hours on the desk with a hunched back starring continuously at the computer monitor. You do not realise, but your job might be killing you slowly.

The stress that you get from issues associated with your job might be the key culprit when the matter comes about your career and health; it can also have many negative implications like increased risk of heart attack, premature ageing and depression. However, you never knew that sitting could also hamper your health to a great extent. It will not be wrong to say sitting is the fresh, new smoking.

Many research indicates that high and sedentary lifestyle have a strong association with a short duration of lifespan along with increased risk of severe diseases including diabetes and heart diseases along with many other serious health issues. Most of the desk jockeys in the world understand how it feels after sitting many hours over a keyboard by the tightness they begin to feel in their legs and hips along with stiffness in their back, shoulder and neck.

You start feeling discomfort all over your body every day. Camping at a desk all day can also result in a very negative effect on the posture in which you tend to feel the hunch in your shoulders and back along with your neck protruding forwards. There are huge numbers of negative reactions that your body gives when it is not subjected to the motion for many hours.

By sitting for more than eight hours in the office and then starring at your cell phones, you are unknowingly misaligning your spinal cord. When you get up from your desk after sitting for the elongated duration, you feel the stress and soreness all over your upper body which makes you scream with pain.

Many negative implications result in strain on the neck, knee issues, weakened back and front core along with tight hips. You simply need to take few minutes out every day from your busy and hectic day to stretch out and release the issues in such areas. The posture of yoga that can target the body areas where you accumulate more tension can result as an effective antidote to various ailments that are caused by desk related jobs.

Moreover, the body and mind practice can also assist in calming your unstable mind and orient your thought patterns. Here are top 3 Best Yoga Poses for Office Workers that will help you stretch and release all such issues that haunt you after your day of work.

Shoulder release

This is one of the best yoga for office workers. Extend your arms back and shrug them up close to your ears and release them quickly. Repeat this 15 to 20 times. To release more, stand with your feet hip-width distance by your desk. Extend your arms to interlace them right behind your back.

If you are unable to interlace your fingers, grab anything that is similar to a strap. Exhale deeply and fold forward by making soft bends at your knees. Roll your arms up behind your back and release. This stretching will help in getting rid of the hunched shoulders that results due to prolonged hours sitting at a desk.

Locust pose variation

Lie down with your stomach and forehead down on the mat. You can also use a blanket for the purpose. Extend your arms backwards and interlace your fingers by inhaling. Lift your head up and gaze. Lift up your upper chest of the ground simultaneously as you extend your arms towards your back. Gently feel the toning effect on the muscles of your buttock. The top of your feet should touch the ground. Inhale for few times and release your arms and forehead back down. Target to make 3–4 repetitions with few breaths.

Neck releases

Neck workouts are an integral part of Desk Yoga Poses for Office Workers. Start by taking your chin to the chest and roll your head from one side to another slowly. Repeat this for few times.

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