Rave Culture 101

Raves began as underground dance parties and have evolved into the massive events and festivals that we currently have. The  term PLUR was coined to represent the culture of those participating in the rave; PLUR stands  for peace, love, unity, and  respect. These are the four principles that rave culture is based around.

Raving is much more than dancing and music, it is all about self-expression. You can dance however you please, dress how you   like, and ultimately be whoever you want. Raves and rave culture are places where one can truly be themselves; there are no judgements, just positivity. Raves have evolved into so much more than a dance party. It doesn't matter your demographic because the culture is all inclusive. 

There are several genres and sub-genres of EDM music so there is some type of music for everyone within the rave culture. The  people within the culture are from all walks of life and are tied to it with PLUR. The idea of PLUR  resonates with the action of trading Kandi. Kandi are bright and colorful beaded bracelets that can be worn and exchanged with those at the  rave. They often have charms or small messages on them, representing the whole rave culture. 

The EDM community is beautiful and vibrant, and ready to welcome all. For many PLUR is more than a concept and mantra, and it has turned into a lifestyle. 


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