Carbs: complex or simple, either way delicious!

"I save my carbs for wine, its called priorities" - Popsugar

Let me just start off by saying these two things, I am not a certified nutritionist, and I hate the word diet. Diets are short-lived fads people try and often times, are associated with unrealistic food restrictions. Additionally, there is an unhealthy view of food and toward one's body image. Instead, changing the foods that are consumed daily, has to be a lifestyle change, something sustainable and realistic.

Has anyone else tried the low carb lifestyle? Did it work for you? Are you still maintaining that lifestyle, leave me a comment if you have, how long have you maintained it and let me know if you are still on that lifestyle. For those of you reading this who have not tried low carb consumption, then read on, because this is all about understanding carbohydrates. 

In the most simplistic explanation, keto is a popular food consumption lifestyle and is all about low carbs, high fat and high protein food consumption. Let me repeat, LOW carbs, not NO carbs. Do not beat yourself up for consuming that slice of bread at dinner when you have dinner or for having a beer while out with your friends one night. No matter what anyone says or what any 'quick fix' food fads are out there, well-balanced food consumption is ultimately the goal. Carbs actually are good for the body, they come in two different forms as well, simple carbs and complex carbs. Let me explain the difference for you. 

Simple carbs are carbs that the body breaks down quicker because they are made up of short sugar chain molecules. In short, the body doesn't take as long to absorb the nutrients leading you to feel hungry again sooner. Examples of simple carbs are sugar, breakfast cereals, high fructose corn syrups, or even juice concentrates,  Don't let that discourage you though, consuming these foods in moderation will not make you fat, and not consuming these foods will not make you skinny. Let's discuss complex carbohydrates really quickly. Complex carbohydrates are carbs that are made up of long-chain molecules and take the body longer to break down and absorb nutrients, leading to not feeling hungry as quickly, leading to eating less and losing weight. Examples of complex carbs include foods such as whole grains, fruits, beans or legumes, and fiber-rich vegetables. Again, eating these foods will not make you skinny, and by not eating these foods you will not become fat. 

Carbs are beneficial to one's body, both simple and complex, for example, they give the body energy, keeping you alert and attentive. Cutting carbohydrates out completely is not only impossible, there are carbs in fruits and veggies too, but it is unwise. Limitations and awareness of which kinds to consume is definitely a necessity, but complete disassociation is not. 


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