Best US News Apps

Staying on top of the news can be a frustrating task. Fortunately, technology has made it far easier to get information about most anything going on in the world. Unfortunately, the market for news sources is supersaturated, and no one has the time or energy to parse everything. To find all US news, visit this website.

That’s where news aggregator apps come in. If you’re looking for a US news app, an aggregator is a great solution, because you can customize it to only get notifications about the news you’re interested in. Interested in US news and what’s going on in your city? You can set your apps to only give you that info. Want some global news thrown in as well? You can add that to your settings. Here are some of the best news aggregators out there.

Google News

Google is one of the biggest companies out there, so you can be sure that it pulls from tons of sources. The Google News app is compatible with both Android and iOS platforms. Any time you go to the Google search screen, you probably see some of the stories pulled from this platform. So if that’s where you often read your news stories already, the app will make it even easier.


Flipboard’s attractive user interface makes it seem like you’re reading a magazine, but don’t let the aesthetics fool you. You can make this a legitimate source for US news. With tons of topics to choose from, you can customize your experience to only show you the topics you’re interested in or care about.

News Break

News Break is a more localized news aggregator. People often think of US news as being focused just on national issues, but if you’re interested in keeping up with the local news about your town, city, metro area or state, then News Break would be a good download for your needs.

Apple News

Apple News is exclusive to iOS users, and those users can get a clean interface with a highly customizable news experience. Filter by categories and topics to set your news notifications to only inform you about things you want to hear about.

Ground News

Ground News draws from tons of news sources so you can easily see every side of the argument. If you’re overwhelmed by news and trying to parse through bias, then this aggregator app is a great solution for you.

To find sports news or NFL news, visit this website.


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