A Homepage Redesign can Improve Conversion Rate

What is the homepage?

A most important landing page of a website reflecting real end-goals and the purpose of the business for its target audience.s

4 Factors to Consider Before Redesigning a Homepage for Improved Conversions

  1. 1. Prepare a strategy

Prepare a well-thought blueprint of the redesigning process and ensure the new page’s navigation is easy and includes very few yet accessible menu options.

  1. 2. Reuse old content

Get a content marketing expert to plan your informative, creative & sales-specific web copy. Include catchy and search-friendly headlines along with relevant CTAs

  1. 3. Focus on the budget

Have a homepage redesign budget in the head. If you have a limited budget, think, and plan for the redesign smartly by mixing old elements with the new one in a way that conversions are improved.

  1. 4. SEO-centric design

To improve the conversions rate, SEO centric design is important. Have a balanced user of keywords inside the website’s basic information, goals, or purpose of the business. 


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