You'll Get 5G High-Speed Internet Soon

Consumers can now expect to have 5G high-speed internet in the near future. In 2024, 45% of consumers are expected to have 5G internet as mentioned by the Swedish Telecom-equipment Maker Ericsson. The major mobile providers are currently trying to reach demands to provide tech that can support the 5G feature. According to the company, they believe that chip and smartphone makers can make a great difference in helping the equipment adopt to the high speed. The 5G high-speed internet feature can help power smart cars and even smart cities that are planned for the future. However, there is a large dispute over Chinese tech company Huawei. The U.S. sees their products as a threat and a breach to their security. Huawei stated that they do not believe their products are posing any threats to the U.S. and they just want to provide more affordable and efficient ways to advance 5G high speed data to their consumers. Huawei is a Chinese telecom supplier and is the largest in China. They are one of Ericsson's biggest competitors. Without Huawei, there will be a slower process time of the 5G high speed data and will be more expensive than what Huawei can provide. 


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