4 Special Reasons to See Online Occupational Therapists

Much has been written about the benefits of hiring online occupational therapists. Therapy can get you out of any hole you dug yourself in. It will help you address issues causing you distress, help you understand yourself and achieve your goals.  


In the present times, many people find it helpful to talk to an objective person who has education and experience in the issues people often struggle with as well as hold them accountable. But is there any special benefit to speaking to a therapist who is an online-based? Let’s find out.

A Portable Office

Discussions about telemedicine barely end without mention of online psychology in Australia. Even though it’s being done differently now, quality health care still remains a top priority when providing online psychology services. 


Not only are the advantages countless, but the service comes with the premium packaged convenience of having your therapist in your pocket everywhere you go.

Special Reasons To See Online Occupational Therapists 

1. Accessibility Issues

Consider the lack of public mental health services, long waiting lists and the issue of getting a therapist's office. Add on to that the fact that many office-based therapists have limited evening hours, which makes it difficult for professionals who work a normal day job to seek their services.


That aside, people with physical limitations and disability issues often struggle to get to a health counsellor’s office. Online therapy with a licensed health professional is a perfect alternative for all these instances. 

2. Staying Anonymous

As you frequently use the service, you'll notice how private and confidential the sessions of online therapy are. Although this isn't truly the case, as online therapists must follow the same government rules as an office-based therapist.


But the subtle differences are what count. You can text from your phone or laptop. It allows many people to open much more quickly than if they were verbally expressing highly personal issues in person.


After all, you are not sitting across from someone constantly studying your every breath. This can lessen your level of shame when conveying something that you would normally perceive as embarrassing or strange. 

3. A Comprehensive Health Plan

Many online therapy services offer comprehensive payment plans that include unlimited sessions and emails. 


These are especially helpful when you're undergoing emotional stress or anxiety and would like to chat with someone fairly quickly.


An added bonus is you have less paperwork to complete due to the lack of insurance requirements as there is for office-based therapy appointments.


You should, however, know what mode of online therapy suits your everyday schedule and logistic arrangements.

4. A Budget you can Work with

It is no surprise that the expense of office therapy makes most people shy away. Not to mention medical insurance with a narrow coverage of accessible services. Therapists who only treat patients online likely have fewer overhead costs and therefore, can often offer affordable treatment options suited for you.

Online Psychology In Australia Can Be Split Into Two Modes:

1.Live Sessions

A live session is when you are meeting with a therapist via video-based teleconferencing or telephone. Another method used by some platforms allows you and your therapist to text back and forth at the same time. Live sessions aren't all that much different than working with a therapist in his or her office, except you can actually do it from the comfort of your own home.

2. Asynchronous Sessions

These are when you send messages to your therapist and they send a response once they log back on to the platform to reply to client messages. Most online occupational therapists respond to messages daily, sometimes a few times a day depending on their availability. Some clients prefer one method over the other but you can use both depending on your specific needs at the time.


Convenience, privacy, affordability, and accessibility sum up the reasons you would need to seek the services of an online psychologist in Sydney. It’s a step up from the traditional way with more benefits for patients who need better services. Try it out today and find out for yourself!




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