What is Guerilla Marketing? 10 Best Inspiring Guerilla Marketing Example

What is Guerilla Marketing?

Guerrilla marketing is a type of publicity or advertising strategy in which a brand involves surprise or unconventional interactions over public platforms to promote its products or services.

Why Guerilla Marketing?

  • Outright affordable

  • Promotes word-of-mouth 

  • Offers creative freedom

  • Draws great publicity & attention toward brands

Type of Guerilla Marketing

Indoor Guerrilla Marketing - Adding something additional or creative to indoor spaces like buildings, train stations, shops, campuses.

Outdoor Guerrilla Marketing - Adding something creative in open spaces like statues, putting temporary artwork on streets, and more.

Event Ambush Guerrilla Marketing - Leveraging the audience of some progressive event with your campaign to promote a product in a more noticeable way.

Experiential Guerrilla Marketing - Mixing more categories together in such a way that requires the public to interact with the brand.

Top 10 Guerrilla Marketing Examples to Inspire Brands

  1. Toothbrush-Shaped Popsicle Sticks By Colgate 

  2. Bounty – A Paper Towel Company

  3. Drawstring Bags By Company Selling Weight Loss Products 

  4.  IKEA Staircase Marketing Strategy

  5. Frontline – Flea And Tick Prevention Products Manufacturing Company

  6. The Grammys – Video Creation Was A Part Of Marketing Strategy Here

  7. Burger King – Drama Tale on Instagram

  8. GoldToe Guerrilla Marketing Campaign - Showing the relevance of quality of the fabric

  9. UNICEF – A Campaign To Prevent Spending Money On Bottled Water

  10. Greene King


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