Most Underrated Disney Movies

A lot of people have grown up watching Disney movies on VHS tapes. Some people, including myself, have kept those VHS tapes because sometimes there's nothing better than the original. Many people love the classic Disney princess movies such as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Pocahontas. These are great movies, don't get me wrong, but there are other movies that should have just as much recognition. 

A movie that needs its own shoutout is The Aristocats. A lot of people have never seen this movie or have seen it but forgot about it. It's a classic story of a forbidden love between the poor and the rich and to not judge a book by its cover. It is basically the same plot of Lady and The Tramp except with cats rather than dogs. Lady and The Tramp is also a great Disney movie and is underrated as well. Why aren't more people talking about these movies? They have such a romantic style of artistry that is very unique to this era of Disney film. Jungle Book is similar this way as well as The Fox and The Hound. Make sure you hold onto those VHS movies, people! You may want to use them or even sell them later on. 


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