Have Fun Making Tofu Snacks at Home – They're Healthier!

Some foods are delicious no matter how you cook them, and others require the right recipe and technique to be enjoyable – and tofu is one of them. Because of its health benefits, most people would like to eat more tofu but don't because of its taste and texture. Crispy tofu bites are easy to make at home and are a tasty snack that overcomes the usual drawbacks. Stock up on the needed ingredients the next time you look for online Asian groceries. It's easy to make tofu bites that are healthy and nutritious and get your family away from prepared snack foods. You'll be impressed when they suddenly love tofu.

Most prepared snack foods are overloaded with salt and carbohydrates, whereas tofu is a plant-based protein that's much more nutritious. When you know how to cook tofu properly, it comes out crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. With the proper dipping sauce, you're sure to have a hit on your hands. Nearly everyone today finds recipes online. When you're searching, try to find one with detailed directions for better cooking techniques – the best recipes are about more than simply providing you with a list of ingredients. Making snack foods at home helps your family eat healthier.

As chefs will tell you, you need to dry tofu before you cook it. Most do it by sating the outside after opening and draining the package and then pay it dry with paper towels. It's also a requirement to fry it at high temperatures to achieve the desired crispiness on the outside. As soon as it comes out of the pan, you'll want to glaze the outside with your homemade sauce (which you'll also use for dipping later)—glazing the tofu bites when hot and just out of the frying pan helps them absorb the flavors more fully. You'll want a sauce that includes ginger, garlic, and black pepper to give it the right taste.

Because not all tofu is alike, make sure you find one that is medium-firm. It's the firmness you need for cutting into bite-size cubes and crisping up well. If you buy a package that's not medium-firm, you'll have trouble cubing it, and proper frying may be a challenge. A suitable frying temperature is 360 degrees F, and you'll want an oil with a high smoke point. Pat the tofu cubes dry with a paper towel before you place them in the hot oil – don't splash to avoid burning yourself. You'll fry them for 5-6 minutes until the sides are browned, and they're not sticking    


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