Some Necessary Yet Unseen Information on Business Innovation & Investment Visa

Australia is one of the hottest destinations in the world for business ventures. The economy of the country is growing year after year. Even the world is currently on pause because of the deadly Pandemic (COVID), Australia is growing consistently. It is attracting investors from every corner of the world to invest in the field of engineering, health, and innovative businesses. When it comes to the safest places in Asia for investment, Australia is topping in the list. If you have a plan to invest in the country, the Business Innovation & Investment visa would be an ideal choice. Though the visa is provisional, but it opens the door of permanent residency.  In this article, we are throwing some light on the visa requirements which are necessary to follow to apply for the visa successfully.

What is Business Innovation & Investment Visa?

It is a temporary visa plan that can allow you to stay and flourish your business in Australia for up to 4 years 3 months. With this visa plan, applicants can own and manage their business in the country. It allows them to conduct business and investment-related several types of activities.

What are the Basic Eligibility Requirements?

The visa plan falls into several streams and each stream has some unique requirements to fulfil. Before you go through the requirements of each stream under the visa, it is must for you to learn about basic requirements.

It is mandatory to submit Express of Interest or  EOI in SkillSelect. It is a method to show your interest and clear intention to invest in Australia as an entrepreneur.

Another important thing is that the applicant must be nominated by a state or territory government agency of Austrade. They can apply for nomination.

They must get invitation to apply for visa. Without invitation, they cannot be considered eligible for the visa.

Types of Streams

Depending on your business plan, select the right stream. The visa is divided into several streams.

Business Innovation Stream

The provisional visa is suitable for people who have business skills. It allows individuals to operate new or existing business in the country. It also allows individuals to stay in Australia for up to 4 years. The business stream visa is approved when you are nominated by an Australian State or Territory Government agency.

Investor Stream

The provisional visa requires a heavy amount of investment at least AUD 1.5 million in an Australian state or territory for which they have applied for.

Business Innovation Extension Stream

To become eligible for the visa, you must hold a Subclass 188 visa in the Business Innovation Stream for at least 3 years.  


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