How to Keep Mosquitos Away!

As we are in the middle of summer, mosquitos are rampant and it is hard to not get bit by one when you step outside. Mosquito bites are annoying and they can make sure body look unpleasant. Here are some tips to prevent mosquito bites: 

Use lavender oil! Mosquitos hate lavender flowers because it is highly concentrated in highly volatile chemicals that prevent mosquitos from touching it! Spray lavender oil around your house to prevent them from coming in!

Tee tree oil can help repel mosquitos and can also help get rid of any irritation of a mosquito bite you already have.

Pure vanilla is an ingredient that mosquitos hate to smell! Spray yourself with vanilla to prevent mosquitoes from detecting you.

Black pepper can protect you from many insects because it contains picaridin! This helps cover your natural smell so that mosquitoes can not detect you. It may cause skin irritation so be cautious and test it out before applying it all over your skin!

Apple cider vinegar mixed with water can be also used as a repellent. Spray it around your house and the next day, you won't see any mosquitos left!


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