9 secrets


9 secrets

My friend writes a lot about mindsets of success; ways that positive thinking can provide us with the greatest realization of our dreams. So I thought about what I believed would bring us the most success and I’m listing them here. I came up with 9 ideas. Some of them overlap, some not. I think we all should come up with our own interpretation of what would make us successful in our lives—in whatever dynamic that is important to us.

I believe too many of us are looking for some magic equation that will make all our dreams come true. The truth is there’s no substitute for hard work and a great idea whose time has come. With that said, here’s my 9 ideas. What are some of yours?

  1. Passion – If we lead from our heart and enjoy what we’re doing, we’re much more likely to be successful. I’ve heard my friend say, “If we lead with our hearts, the wallet will follow. But the opposite isn’t always true.” I have to agree. But I think it’s because if we enjoy what we’re doing we automatically put more into it and work harder at it. If we enjoy it, it’s not work. If we choose a path simply because it looks like we’ll make a lot of money doing it, then we won’t be as successful.

  2. Work – work hard, nothing of value comes free or easy. But find something you enjoy and you’ll never work another day in your life. I think I just said that, but there I said it again!

  3. Be Good at What You Do – put your head down and drive to the goal.

  4. Practice, Practice, Practice – as the saying goes, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice!”

  5. Focus on the Goal – have it up on your mirror, repeat it like a mantra, never give up on your dreams.

  6. Push Yourself to Succeed – physically and mentally to achieve your goals, giving up is not an option!

  7. Serve – we don’t win by serving ourselves. We need to serve others something of value that improves their lot in life.

  8. Cultivate Good Ideas – be open to the things around you:
    a) Listen
    b) Observe
    c) Be Curious
    d) Ask Questions
    e) Problem Solve
    f) Make Connections with other positive and success-minded people

Persist – persistence is the #1 reason people are successful, they simply refuse to give up. Persist through failure, and persist through the crap life throws in your way.

Crap stands for:

C – Criticism
R – Rejection
A - Antagonists
P – Pressure

Shut it out. Shut the people out who shovel it your way. There’s enough of it in our own life-progression, no need to accept that of others on top of it.


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