6 New Years Resolutions to Try Besides Losing Weight

Losing weight is one of the top New Years resolutions that people try to achieve. However, many people tend to fail in their mission, which leads to increased feelings of insecurity and self-resentment. While focusing on your physical health is important, putting so much pressure on losing weight can be harmful. Instead, try out these other New Years resolutions to help you build a better you for 2020!


1.     Improve Your Mental Health

Physical health is always a priority, but many people tend to forget about their mental health. Poor mental health can actually cause poor physical health, so it’s important to help your brain, too! If you tend to ruminate a lot, work harder to think more positively and to stop dwelling on the negative things so much. Are you constantly putting yourself down? Work to actively stop those thoughts, and give yourself one positive a day instead. Talk to yourself with kindness, or think about one thing you are grateful for every day. If you have anger issues, this is the year to finally get that anger in check! If you struggle with self-care, try to make more time for yourself this year. There are many ways to boost your mental health, so figure out your weaknesses and work towards strengthening them.


2.     Focus Less on How you Look

Many people start diets and exercise routines to improve their appearance. When these routines fail, people feel even more resentment towards themselves and the way their body looks. Remember: Exercise and eating good foods is for the health of your body! Work out to feel good, not to be thinner. (Exercise releases tons of feel-good hormones in the body!) And diet to make you feel better overall, not to shed pounds. Focusing too much on your appearance can lead to much negative energy and harmful thoughts.


3.     Delve into Your Passions

Do you love painting but never have the time for it? 2020 is the year to embrace your passions! Many of us let our hobbies fall by the wayside to make room for everything in our busy lives. However, focusing only on school, work, family, etc. can make us feel very drained and meaningless. Keeping up with a passion helps us feel more excited about life. Whether you love fishing or photography, be sure you spend the time to enjoy your hobbies this year.


4.     Unplug

It is well-known that technology and social media are harmful to our physical and mental health. Try to stay away from the phone and computer more this year. Try going a whole day without checking your email, or go without social media for one week every month. Many people are trying the 100-day challenge of no social media. Without technology in the way, you may find more time to do more enjoyable things, like read a book, practice self-care, partake in your hobbies, or spend more time with friends and family.


5.     Go Green

Make an impact on the planet by finding new ways to go green! Reduce your use of electricity by turning off lights and unplugging appliances when you aren’t using them. Cut down on your use of water by shutting off the water whenever possible. Opt for reusable materials: try using reusable bags whenever you go grocery shopping, use rags instead of paper towels, and recycle whenever you can! Instead of partaking in fast fashion, shop for clothes at donation stores or buy used clothes from apps like Depop, Poshmark, Mercari, ThredUp, or Vinted.


6.     Be Active

Many people go gung-ho about dieting and exercising once January comes around. However, these drastic diets and workout routines often end up on failure because they are so overwhelming. Instead, take small steps towards your physical health. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk to your coworker to tell them something instead of sending an email. If you have a store near your house, walk or cycle to get your groceries. Take a walk around your office every time you go on a break. Drink more water throughout the day, and eat more fruits and veggies instead of snacking on chips and candy.


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