Have an Ear Infection? Visit a Doctor Now!

Do you feel pain in the year? They are common in kids than in adults, and they may be severe as well. You might need to visit an ENT doctor in Gurgaon in certain situations. Here is what you need to do for prevention and treatment:

Pay Attention to Symptoms

The ear is a complicated part of the body and has many chambers. The ear infections can strike in any one of these chambers and cause many symptoms. The three main part of the ear is the inner, outer, and middle ear. Infections can be found most commonly in the middle and the outer ear. While the inner ear infections are less frequent, so they show the signs of another underlying condition. Some common symptoms of ear infections include inflammation and pain, hearing changes, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fever, and headache. In some cases, there is some swelling in the ear as well.

Middle Ear Infections

The middle ear is the area which is directly behind the ear-drum. The middle ear infections are mainly caused when the bacteria of or viruses from the other parts of face get behind the air drum. It causes pain and feeling of plugged ears. In some cases, you may have trouble in hearing as well as the inflated ear there may be a buildup of fluid which can make the hearing even more challenging. You might get the feeling that the affected ear is underwater. In the worst case, the eardrum may tear or burst due to the build-up of the pressure from the infection, and the fluid may drain from the year. In such an infection, fever and general tiredness may be there.

Infection in the Outer Ear

The outer ear which extends from the ear canal on the outside of the eardrum to the external opening of the ear itself. The outer ear infection can start with the rash on the outside of the ear. This area is the perfect place for the gems to spread and cause an outer ear infection. External ear infections can also result from irritation or injury to the ear canal from foreign objects. You might feel that the ear canal is painful, swollen, and tender to touch. The skin becomes red and warm until the infection goes away.


When you visit the ENT doctor, he needs to know the medical history of the person and make a proper diagnosis. He may ask about the symptoms that might have occurred as well as any medication that you might have taken. The doctor may use an otoscope to look at the eardrum and the ear canal for signs of infection.


Some infections clear up without the treatment, while others may need treatment from the antibiotics. It all depends on the nature of infection along with the other health problems.


If you have a severe ear infection, you should immediately visit an ENT doctor in Gurgaon who can diagnose the condition and provide an appropriate solution.


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