Don't Advertise, Improvise! #6

With the first 4 keys to effective memorization, we’ve learned that by incorporating all these practices we engage the brain, the eyes, the ears, and touch—3 out of 5 senses. If we could figure out a way to include smell and taste, that would be even better! But to these 3, let’s add normalization.

The 5th key to effective memorization is:

  1. Recite with routine.

Reciting your speech throughout the day improves recall by associating it with normal activities in your regular routine.

Forgot it?

Reading, it, speaking it, writing it, recording it, and listening to it. All work together in remembering it. But what happens if you forget it? Remember what I said about the first rule of stagecraft: if you forget, chances are the only one who knows it is you. So don’t advertise, improvise!

In my days of performing regularly, I often forgot lyrics to songs I wrote. Forgetting meant I had to improvise the line I was singing while trying to write the next line that not only had to make sense in the theme of the song, but had to rhyme! All without letting the audience see me sweat.

Don’t put yourself in that spot. Plan well, work hard, and include as many senses as you can. Then, if things do go wrong, use on-the-spot creativity as cover. Don’t advertise, improvise.



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