Using Picture Book to Stimulate Your Child's Imagination

How Does Using a Picture Book Stimulate a Child's imagination?

Most American schools have developed strong left brain learning environments. History, math, and language arts are all examples of concrete thinking that requires simple rote learning or practiced memory skills. This is a tragic state of education as school after school continues to cut the right brain learning avenues such as art, music and drama. These are the abstract, problem solving, and imagination stations of the kid's fantasy.

This minimizing of abstract learning, combined with the instant entertainment of video games, software apps and the time consuming focus kid's put on texting can dumb down their mind's ability to think imaginatively.

It's tough to convince an older child, who has already established patterns of text dependency to pick up a book, or draw a picture.

It's easy to work with a young child, before they have become exposed to all the mind numbing techno toys if parents begin exposing their young ones to picture books starting from birth.

Story books with pictures are perfect for stimulating a child's imagination and accelerating the early language learning process.

Picture Books Encourage Imaginary Pretend Play

Few children will incorporate the character of an action figure they have seen on a video game. However, a strong character featured in a picture book or simple children's story will inspire further substantive adventures within private or social play times.

These kid's books stimulate your child's imagination by providing lingering mental images. Kid's love to draw, picture books provide shadow images within the child's mind to help them develop their right brained drawing skills. The more exposure to these picture books the greater their creative resources and imaginary adventures can develop.

Story Books With Pictures Fuel Emotion

Picture books fuel the emotions that lead to developing dreams and life direction. An image seen through a picture book can help to pull out the innate passion in every child in respect to their fears, personal achievement and goals relative to their comprehension. Imagination through visualization is the first step to achievement. If a child can see the picture book experience happening to them; such as hitting a home run, or singing a song on stage, will go long way to making it happen in their personal life.

Holistic Learning Benefits

The benefits of these books go beyond developing imagination. They are perfect for strengthening an early foundation for language and logic. 


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