Hunting Rangefinder Vs. Golf Rangefinder

Whether golfing, hunting, hiking, or archery, optical aids have proven to enhance efficiency and produce more satisfactory results. Given this, rangefinders, binoculars, and other related devices have become a necessity. 

However, rangefinders come in a wide variety of models, designed to provide an enhanced experience in the target activity. As a result, it is best to choose the type of rangefinder that will provide you with enhanced performance in your chosen field.

For best results, hunting rangefinder and golf rangefinder will be compared to give clarity and help you make an informed decision when choosing

Hunting Rangefinder Vs. Golf Rangefinder

If you are a hunter or golfer, it would be best to purchase a rangefinder specially made for your interest. Different types of rangefinders on the market have various functions tailored to meet the needs of users. 

Hunting rangefinders and golf rangefinders seem to have similar functions and designs; however, there are basic differences that you need to know to purchase the perfect rangefinder that will meet your needs. Here are a few differences between hunting rangefinder and gold rangefinder.

1. Target Mode

A similar appearance does not mean the same functionalities. The target mode for a hunting rangefinder is the Distant Target Mode that focuses on the distant object while ignoring the closes objects. On the other hand, a golf rangefinder uses the First Target Mode that detects close objects like a pin or flag on the location of the hole.

2. Targeting Needs

The hunting rangefinder requires specific targeting, while golf rangefinder does not need precise targeting. The hunter needs to get the aim right. As a result, a hunting rangefinder's magnification system is updated to provide this function without fail. The golf rangefinder needs only a quick inspection. 

3. Range

Because a hunting rangefinder is meant for precise long-distance targeting, it comes in a longer range coverage than the golf rangefinder. A hunting rangefinder covers 1000-1500 yards while the golf rangefinder covers about 400 yards.

4. Types

There are three types of golf rangefinders: laser rangefinders, GPS rangefinders, and optical rangefinders. The three major types of golf rangefinders work differently. You need to understand how they work before you can benefit from using any of them. 


Choose the rangefinder that meets your requirements for the best experience possible. With the differences between a hunting rangefinder and a golf rangefinder discussed above, you can choose the right rangefinder to give you the best value for your money.


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