Tips To Help You Prepare For Your First BJJ Class

The beginning of any task is usually the hardest. If you're new to BJJ, you could be tensed. Well, it is normal to feel insecure and tensed or even intimidated. No matter when you're starting, it is never late. You shouldn't learn the sport without BJJ headgear.

If you're new to the sport, here are some tips to help you navigate your first day:


Like many other sports, you need to warm up before you start. The drills, sprawl, running, and other exercises are not in vain. They help you feel relaxed and comfortable with the sport. After the regular warm-ups, teachers also give students mental drills to keep them engaged and prepared for the task ahead.

Technical training

This aspect of preparation helps you learn the moves. At this stage, you'll cover the same movements over and over again until you have memorized it. It would be best if you did not get tired of practising the same moves. The greatest of all fighters didn't feel too lazy practising. Bruce Lee once said he feared the man who has practised one 10,000 times over the man that has practised 10,000 kicks once. Instead of waiting to attend lessons, why not go virtual?


In sparring, you pull off what you've learned in real time and against resisting the opponent. It is here that you identify your weakness and strengths. In most cases, your tutor doesn't allow you to spar immediately, but it is advised you do so. For new students, you can hold guard or sit in mount but for a more experienced student can try to explain. Gradually, you'll begin to kick butts as much as you desire.

The line-up

Line-up doesn't happen always, but at the end of the class, students line up and according to their rank and bow out. You shouldn't be overwhelmed by the activities on the first day. If you stick to safety precautions like wearing a bjj headgear, you'll have a one in a lifetime experience. After your first exposure, you'll be glad you were introduced to the sport.

Other tips to help you survive your first BJJ classes are:

Come along with a friend – your friend serves as a morale booster. With your friend beside you, you can try new moves and not feel scared.

Trim your fingernails and toenails – since you'll be in close contact with people, you need not injure them. When there are open wounds, it is easy to contract bacteria.

Groom yourself – be presentable before your fellow students. Please don't give them any reason to feel uncomfortable around you.

Wear clothes that cover much of your skin - you need to control body contact, so you don't touch the opponent's sweat.

Don't fret on your first day but even if you do, ensure you wear a BJJ headgear. This equipment boosts your confidence and keeps you safe.


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