Product Packaging Tips You Should Follow

When designing product packaging, the first thing you need to think about is the message that you want to send. You see, product packaging isn’t just a box or a container for the product that you’re selling; it’s a representation (even embodiment) of your brand. As such, it serves as a brand ambassador, a promotional tool and your sales representative at the same time. All of this being said, it’s more than clear why one would feel a no small amount of pressure when having to design packaging for their products.

1.      Is it appropriate for the industry?

Every industry has its own rules and your audience already has some expectations when it comes to what your product packaging should be about. For instance, if you’re in the food industry, you should start by looking for colors that increase appetite. Then, you need to understand that geometrical shapes aren’t necessarily people’s first association with delicious food. Rounded edges are seen as healthier and more organic. Of course, these are just two examples that work in the food industry. Your industry, however, may have rules of its own and you would do well to study them.

2.      Keep it appropriate for the size of the product

While some may see this as something too obvious to even mention, you would be surprised at just how many people make this mistake. First of all, having a box that’s too big for the product is just absurd (even annoying), whereas having packaging in which the product barely fits is impractical (and also, quite annoying). Therefore, you need to make sure that the packaging fits the size of the product. As for the design and the print, you don’t want it to be too stretched or so tiny that it feels consumed by its background. All of these things need to be taken into consideration before you even start.

3.      Make sure to represent the size of your business

There are some scenarios where being a small, local, home-based or family business is a good thing. Being a big conglomerate or a massive corporation is a concept that should speak of strength and reliability but a lot of people might look for a smaller business since they see them as more human and original. In that case, you need to make sure that your product packaging depicts exactly that. For instance, if you’re dealing in arts and crafts or selling artisan goods, you might find custom labels on simplistic packaging to be the optimal solution.

4.      Focus on the quality

The choice of the font, the quality of the print and the quality of the packaging material may be determining factors in whether the buyer goes for your product or picks your competitors instead. This is why you need to put a heavy focus on quality while still being cost-effective. On the one hand, going for packaging that’s too high-quality may force you to inflate the price of the product or work at a lower product price. On the other hand, by going with a low-cost alternative, you might lose some sales. This is one of those “damned if you do; damned if you don’t” scenarios. Nonetheless, it’s something that new entrepreneurs have to handle in virtually every aspect of their business.

5.      Measure it up against competitors

Close your eyes and try to envision your products in a store or an e-store. Now, think past your product and try to imagine what your product will stand next to. More likely than not, it will be an item from the same category, often even a similar product by your competitor. Now try to be realistic about what your odds are to succeed against them. Provided that they are not that great, what can you do to tip the scales in your favor?

There’s yet another roleplaying game that you can try in order to figure this out. Go to the store and pick a random category (candy, cleaning supplies, etc.). Only pick from brands that you’ve never heard of and try to be honest about what made you pick. Was it the price or something about the packaging? If the latter was the case, can you tell what it was? These kinds of techniques will really make you go places.


The very last thing you need to understand is the fact that every business and product is unique and you need to make your choices based on it. This is also why you need to know your business inside and out and be realistic about where you are now and where you want to go as a brand.


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