A Complete Guide To SEO Copywriting in 2020


SEO copywriting is all about finding the right balance between the content that engages audiences and the content that ranks higher on SERPs based on targeted keywords.  The copy has to sell the target audience your brand or product and guide them further down the sales funnel. If done correctly, SEO optimization services combined with copywriting can become a powerhouse for the digital marketing efforts of the businesses. It assists them to:

  1. Get higher rankings for the targeted keywords.
  2. Ensure readers take the desired action- download the app, or subscribe to the newsletter.
  3. Create an internal linking structure of the website. 
The article sheds light on how to create an excellent copy to rank higher in SEO.

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Avoid Keyword Stuffing

It refers to the practice of filling the copy with irrelevant keywords to manipulate where the page ranks on SERP.  Adding multiple variations of keywords where they add no value leads to terrible user-experience. It may also cause the page to rank for irrelevant terms or queries.  Google uses the keywords to provide the best search results to searchers. It offers a great search experience to users and ensures the results displayed are not spam. The search engine does that automatically through algorithms that aim to recognize and penalize those engaging in keyword stuffing. Therefore, businesses should do proper research and find out what keywords are being used to search for products and services in their niche and refrain from overusing them. 

Search Intent 

Each Webpage and the content on it are focused on user intent. The content varies depending on the reader’s customer journey and copy keywords should change accordingly.  There are three types of search intent: 
Informational Intent
The user wants to find information on a topic, product, or industry. Example: ‘the best washing-machine’.
Navigational Intent
Users intend to visit a particular site or page. Example: ‘LG washing machines models’
Commercial Intent
The user is ready to make the purchase. Example: ‘buy a new LG washing machine’.  The copy should target keywords that closely match the search intent of the user. 

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Optimize the Title

The title of a page is the first thing that users see on SERP. It should indicate both the searchers and Google the crux of the copy and the webpage.  Title copywriting has two aspects, title for SEO and title for readers: Designing the perfect title for SEO:
  1. The length of the title should be between 55-60 characters, and it should have a 600-pixel width limit. 
  2. The title should include the target keyword, preferably in the front of the title tag. 
  3. The title’s message should match the content of the copy. If it is not relevant to what is being said on the page, users will leave the site. This type of response from readers will indicate to Google that the particular website is not providing relevant content to the users, which will in turn affect the site’s ranking. 
  4. Avoid overusing the same keyword- it will be considered keyword stuffing, which is against Google’s guidelines.
Designing the perfect title for the readers: Businesses should ensure that the title is engaging and motivates users to click. Here are a few tips to create an attractive title:
  1. Using numbers in the title can boost the site’s click-through rate and social share count. Example: 5 Tips to Write the Perfect Copy.
  2. According to a report, headlines that include bracketed clarifications, like [Video], [Interview], perform thirty-eight percent better than those without clarification. It suggests that readers like to have a full picture of what they’ll get after clicking on a title. 
  3. The title should not be more than the prescribed 600-pixel width limit so that readers can see the entire title. 
  4. Use actionable words like, learn, boost, enhance, or learn. It will assist users in understanding what they’ll gain from the page. 
  5. Try using power words and emotional triggers to get attention and create interest. 

Create Structure for Each Page’s Copy

Whether you’re creating a commercial page or a blog post, creating a perfect structure is important. To build a content structure that will make sense to both users and search engines, follow this framework:
Create an overview of the topic and subtopic
While creating an overview keep the following points in mind:
  1. The target keywords
  2. How the content is structured within other top-ranking pages
  3. User queries and questions
These points will provide businesses with a list of subtopics to cover within the copy.
Bundle up the subtopics
After identifying the subtopics, bundle them together. It will assist in finding out how many key areas the copy should include. 
Place the subtopics in a coherent order
Place the subtopics in a logical order, it will serve as the framework for the copy. The copywriter can elaborate on each subtopic without having to worry about the logic and coherence of the structure.  Example:
  1. Coffee Machines
  2. Single Serve Machines
  3. Espresso
  4. Keurig
  5. Customer reviews


SEO is not just about ranking in Google. It’s about driving more traffic, engagement, and increasing the bottom line. That’s why copywriting is important- audiences are not going to be interested in reading irrelevant content, no matter how higher it ranks.  SEO copywriting is a challenging task and not all businesses possess the expertise to do it. If your goal is to drive traffic to your website and increase sales, hire a professional SEO agency. For further information, contact us and talk to our SEO experts. 

Also Read: Amazon SEO Services: Rank Higher On Amazon Searches in 2020


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