Accuracy up to how many Decimals?

Accuracy upto how many decimals?


32 + 4= 52

9 + 16 = 25

(3/4)2 + (4/4)2 = (5/4)2

0.752 + 12 = 1.252

0.5625 + 1 = 1.5625

(3/5)2 + (4/5)2 = (5/5)2

0.62 + 0.82 = 12

0.36 + 0.64 = 1

ok Fellas, let’s notice a difference here.

(3/3)^2 +(4/3)^2  = (5/3)^2

1^2 + 1.3^2 = 1.6^2

1 + 1.69 = 2.56

Difference => 2.69 – 2.56 = 0.13

Accuracy =>0.13/2.69=.048

(3/3)^2 +(4/3)^2  = (5/3)^2

1^2 + 1.33^2 = 1.66^2

1 + 1.7689 = 2.7556

Difference => 2.7689 – 2.7556 = 0.133

Accuracy => 0.133/2.7689 = 0.0048

(3/3)^2 +(4/3)^2  = (5/3)^2

1^2 + 1.333^2 = 1.666^2

1 + 1.776889 = 2.775556

Difference => 2.776889 – 2.775556 = 0.001333

Accuracy => 0.001333/2.776889 = 0.00048

(3/3)^2 +(4/3)^2  = (5/3)^2

1^2 + 1.3333^2 = 1.6666^2

1 + 1.77768889 = 2.77755556

Difference => 2.77768889 – 2.77755556 = 0.00013333

Accuracy => 0.0001333/2.77768889 = 0.000048

(3/3)^2 +(4/3)^2  = (5/3)^2

1^2 + 1.33333^2 = 1.66666^2

1 + 1.7777688889 = 2.7777555556

Difference => 2.7777688889 – 2.7777555556 = 0.000013333

Accuracy => 0.000013333/2.7777688889 = 0.0000048

(3/3)^2 +(4/3)^2  = (5/3)^2

1^2 + 1.333333^2 = 1.666666^2

1 + 1.777776888889 = 2.777775555556

Difference => 2.77777688889 – 2.777775555556 = 0.0000013333

Accuracy => 0.0000013333/2.777776888889 = 0.00000048

So, as you can see its pretty much visible here that irrespective of the precision there is in division, the presence of digits 4 and 8 in the Accuracy Factor is mesmeric to look. This may come under Number Pattern Theory where the operation eventually leads to same numerical digits though quantitatively they are different.

 Author: Piyush Goel


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